gogy the bitch boy

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omg yall im back get ready for this dnf awesome story i provide 😈

gogy wogy boo boo bear omega wakes up alone. he wonders where his big strong alpha male dreamy went and starts to sob like the little whinny bitch he is. "i-i-i-i-i miss my dreamy cla-y-y-y.. and-.." before the whinny nerd poo face could continue singing dreamy alpha strong male burst through the door. "are you ok my kitten..? did ur nitro run out.." big dreamy says with his strong muscles that gogy sways over 😳. "n-n-n-no.. but it is running out soon but thats not why i was crying.. i thought my dreamy man alpha left me... for sapnappy again 😢 ." gogy says shivering like he in a snowstorm 😱
drreman gasph and walk over to his kitten who is 3'4 while he is 7'10. "gogy..: it is ok.. i would becer leave u for that loser hes a beta not like my scrunkle little omega here.." dreamy poo says booping his nose. "o-o-ok.. i l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-love you d-d-dream.." gogy says as he falls back asleep being a litttle sleepy little guy. little does he know dream is going to quackitys house to steal sapnappy baby boo bear 😈....

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