chapter three

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My weekend was spent reading the tale of Daedalus.

However, what I found most interesting was not the story—though that was too—but the small notes written by a sentence in perfect, looping cursive. Icarus's handwriting was so perfect it made me jealous and could never compare to my chicken scratch of a handwriting.

Mom had reduced my sentence to two weeks, but I actually found it a little freeing without my cellphone—though I'd never admit it to her.

I managed to finish rearranging my bookshelves by colour, doing laundry and organising my closet, and cleaning my room.

Now, it looked less like a bomb site and more neat and presentable.

I'd finished all my homework and sat on the counter, the landline in hand.

"Yeah, Dad, I know," I repeated, taking a bite of a melting brownie Mom had made minutes ago.

"How's your mum?" he asked, as always.

I smiled. "She's good. When are you coming to visit?"

He sighed. "I don't know yet, Lo, there's no definite date. The company keeps asking for my consultation and clients are endless."

I knew he was busy but I really missed him. "Okay, Dad, but you need a vacation and your daughter and uhm... ex-girlfriend?... are free. And once you visit, don't forget my bracelet!"

"I won't, Lolo." He chuckled. "I have to go now, okay? I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you."

"Bye Dad. Love you too."

The line went dead.


I waited for Jane at the cafeteria for nearly twenty minutes before she showed up with a girl on her arm.

"Lorie, Maddie. Maddie, Lorie."

I nodded at her. "Hey." Then I picked up my tray and threw the empty plate and carton of milk into the trash.

Jane caught up with me. "What was that?"

"What was what?" I lightly pulled my hair as I always did when I was nervous.

"That. You were so rude to her and for no reason, you got up and left. I just wanted you guys to be friends," she muttered sadly.

Oh. "I just had to get to class. Will you tell her I'm sorry?"

Jane nodded, a smile creeping onto her face. "Okay. See you later, Lorie."

"See you."

I managed to sneak into Calculus five minutes late without my teacher noticing. It wasn't that I hated him, just the subject, and he could be a little too strict sometimes.

I got out my books and scribbled down whatever nonsense was written on the board.

"Lorelai, may I know why you are late for my fascinating lecture on differentiation?"


I came up with the quickest answer I could think of. "Uh, the lunch line was too long."

He sighed. "As I was saying, the constant is derived from x. And the next time you sneak into my class, Lorelai, make sure you close the door quietly."


I met up with Jane and Maddie later, the latter who kept giving me scalding glances from time to time, making me wonder what I did wrong.

Jane had told her that I was sorry, so what was her problem now?

I felt like she didn't really like me, so I just kept quiet, muttering a 'yeah' or 'ok' whenever Jane tried to include me in their conversation.

Finally, when Maddie said she had to go home, I couldn't help but release a sigh of relief.

Jane stared at me from across the table as I finished my shawarma. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like you have something to tell me." I swallowed the final bite of shawarma.

Jane looked a little uncomfortable, which told me what I had said was true; she did have something to tell me.

"I—I'm not really sure yet," she admitted, not meeting my eyes.

"Well, once you are, I—" My phone started to blare its ringtone of 'Barbie Girl', which only meant one thing.

"I have to go Jane." I stood up and slid my phone out of my pocket. "See you tomorrow."


As soon as I left the small coffee shop we were in, I started to hurriedly walk down the street and towards home, which was only five minutes away.

My phone had started to ding with texts from Mom which I ignored since I was almost there. I had completely forgotten about today with all the schoolwork and then Jane and Maddie had asked me to go have lunch with them.

The time had flown and now it was almost evening as I ran towards the front door, which flew open as soon as I stepped onto the porch.

Two pairs of eyes stared at me as I leaned forward and grabbed them into a tight hug.


Author's note: anyways last Friday I had my math mock and I was doing pretty well when the effing fire alarm went off lol.

So they waited for some time before making our whole grade leave to go out onto the football field and we just started discussing the answers and helping each other out.

Our head of year was all like "are you done discussing the test so hurry up." I am definitely getting a good grade for math (hopefully).

(Edit: I got an A* (equivalent to an American A+))

And on the same effing day, a guy gets pushed in the bathroom and his head hits the sink and splits open and then the paramedics arrive and take him away in the ambulance.

I also got to see my sort of hallway crush? In-person since like four weeks since there was distance learning for a week and then I was in close contact for two weeks and then he mysteriously disappeared from school for another two weeks.

TURNS OUT, the entire time I was gone, this boy was caught vaping, hanging out with a 9th grader who the teacher thought was a girl but was actually a guy, AND TRIED TO PIERCE HIS EARS IN THE SCHOOL BATHROOM.

And on top of that, he said he didn't when he was caught. Lol, wtf, how did I miss all of that??? Anyways, he got suspended and that's why he didn't come. I found all of the details from a girl in his class who's friends with my friend and I can't stop laughing.

Anyways that's how my two weeks of exams went and now I'm a free bird (until April when mock 2 starts or IGCSE's actually happen) and can finally update! (Only birds can't update so that makes me special).

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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