Meeting! , Drama , Ex

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Jenna POV.

I woke up to a beautiful sunny day in London. I decide to get up, I stood up Which I nearly fell because I had pins and needles in my feet. I looked at my Iphone I had a nice little text from Harry!x

To:Jenna From: Harryx

Hey babe , We need to talk! x Meet me at the coffe place in 20 - 30 minutes

To:Harryx From: Jenna

Heya! , Awryt okay! x

I texted back! I went and got dress into Jeans and A hoodie , I wore my converse and Went to curl my hair. I looked at my phone and I decide to go meet Harry at the coffe shop nearby my house. When I got there I looked around to find him there he was with his lovely green eyes looking down , he looked sad. I went over.

"Heya What you want to talk about?" I questioned

" Hey babe , Em uh I-I need to talk about us" He said while looking down.

"Oh , Okay so? whatup?"

"Babe , I don't love you nomore I like this girl Shanell , She's so nice and well I don't think we are good enough for eachother , I'm sorry!"

"W-What? I Thought you said You'd love me til the end of time , Shanell she's a slut, whore , PIG!!"

"Babe , I'm sorry Just Friends?"

"get out of my face , and never!"

I left in that moment, Tears spilling down my face I thoughted he love me or was I Stupid?

*End of Flashback*

Today the day first day back at high School. It's 7:30am I really Need To hurry School starts at 8:00am. I get dressed into skinny jeans , boots , a white plain shirt & and leather jacket. I looked into my mirror ugh what a ugly mess I was , I put my make-up on and put my hair up into a messy bun.

"Jenna, hunny Your going To be late for high School" my mum said In a hurry voice

"Coming mum" I ran downstair. I picked up a bit of toast and stuffed It into my month.Yes I sound Like a boy don't judge.

I grabbed my bag and ran To my range rover I got in and turned on the car. I finally got there in about 10-15 minutes. I turned off my car. Got out with my bag. I walked up to the doors. Here we go again. I walked in i went to my locker first. I'm a geek more less. I opened it and got my books ready. I was standing queit untill i hear this voice

Harry's Pov.

"Hey,There babe" I said , There was this girl who looked, Smoking hot. I thought I died. She slowly closed her locker. Which took me out of my day dream. I can't believe my eyes. It's her it's Jenna.

"What do you want, Harry?" She snapped

"I-I thought you were someone else, sorry!" I said weaklessly, I'm Just in shock. I've missed her so much.

"Well, why are you still standing here?" She looked confused her lovely blue eyes , blonde hair. She's amazing, I Just can't help but stare at her.

"Em, well I got To go Jenna, Bye see you soon" she glared at me. Them I lefted, I Need too tell the boys about this but they won't believe, I found her again. Well I didn't Find her I bumped into her. Not my fault ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*Authors note*

Hello , Heres Chapter 1. , Sorry about the long updated! , I wantedit PEFECT!! xo

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