Chapter 1 - The Mission

533 9 2

Year 845

Run. You run as fast you can, eventhough your legs begging you to stop. You even can see Annie and Bertholdt do the same. Reiner already run ahead, left you guys behind. You strengthen your legs to run again, until you out of breath. You kneel down to the ground, while touching your chest, trying to calm yourself and your heavy breathing.

" Marcel, he has been eaten by that titan ". Your eyes widen when Annie starts to speak. She's also still control her breathing, while Bertholdt staring at her with a panic look. Reiner keep silent. You can see his face is traumatic, he dont even blink.

" Lets, go back. It's useless, to continue this plan without Marcel, thanks to someone " Annie cold tone voice ringing in your mind. Go back? But we just get here, it's not even 24hours yet. You can see Reiner clenched his fist, and finally let out his voice after keep his word shut inside his throat.

"No... We gonna continue this mission. We will break the wall, and bring back The Founder" Reiner eyes tell you, that he was super serious. You can't let out any words from your mouth, still can't believe that Marcel was eaten alive infront you. Annie sighed, feeling frustrated. "It's all your fault, let's just go back, so we can regroup, oh maybe they can left you out from this mission" Annie walk away, Bertholdt try to stop her, but failed.

"Annie, are you sure? We.. Already here. If we go back now, what will they do to us? Our family, even our lives .. What will happen to us if we abandon the mission?!" you suddenly scream. Annie's eyes widen. Yes, if they go back right now, she sure her father will be disappointed in her, especially when she want to do her best so her father can live a better life.

You're not Titan shifters like them, so your life kinda being guaranteed to live another few years. But, that's not the case for Reiner, Annie and Bertholdt. Their life span only can be counted by fingers. And, isn't that kinda frustrating , if you don't do your best on this mission? Abandoning the mission, is the same as abandoning your life for free.

Annie's eyes turned fierce as she turned around and facing Reiner. Bertholdt already shaking in his knees. Annie is kinda terrifying when she's mad. And yup, in a second Reiner get a punch from her. Not enough, Annie kick him hard in the stomach, then a few slaps on his face. Reiner's face really decorated by his own blood already, as if you see a walking zombie in Hollywood movie.

"This is all your fault! You trying to be a good Warrior? Go to hell ! Eldia or Marley, they're all the same! They don't care about us, they are only a sickhead! " Annie just like being possessed, she keep screaming and hurting Reiner with her kick and fist. Reiner, also can't back down. He get up, and immediately choking Annie with his two hands. Annie's eyes already turned red and forming tears, her breath unstable. You immediately push Reiner away, to make him stop his actions.

"Both of you, please stop it already ... I don't want to see you guys hurt " Bertholdt bite his lips, holding his sadness. He don't want to see his precious friends, hitting each other like this. You understand Berthold's feeling, he has a soft heart. "Berthold's right. Both of you stop this! Nothing will change even if you guys killed each other!"

Annie smirk. She get up and facing you. "You also want to do your best, right ( name)? I know, you have been taking care of your sick mother at home. If you failed this mission, I'm sure your Mom will become mindless titan in no time". Your eyes widen, but you try to control your emotions. "But, we need a leader to plan and give us order! Without a leader, a team will crumble ! And guess what? That leader just died infront of us! Because of who? Because of him!" Annie point her finger to Reiner that still laying on the ground.

" I understand, Annie. But, we have to end this shitty Eldian-Marley thing, so that we can go back home together. I know, without Marcel, we can't do much, but we will figure it out together okay? Let's, find the Founder and go back home" you give encouraging smile to Annie. You even pat her shoulder, giving her strength she needed.

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