Chapter 2 - Getting Into Levi's Squad

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That person feels weird when you don't talk even he was asking you. So, he decided to move his face closer to you.

" You brat, are you okay?" he asked you once again. Poof! Your cheeks immediately red. You immediately back to reality world. "I'm fine! Thanks for saving me" You try to cover your embarrassment by picking up your blade that fell to the ground.

"Tch - that's great. I hope you stay focus and don't give your life that easily. Life is precious" That person give you one last look before he flew away with his 3dm gear.

"Wait, i need to know his name". You try to reach for that undercut hair man, but sadly he out of your view. Suddenly, you can hear Reiner, Annie and Bertholdt come by your side. " ( name ) are you okay?!" Bertholdt and Annie pat your shoulder, and look all over your body, to make sure you're not injured or anything.

"Thankfully I'm fine. I was being saved by this one person. Sadly, i don't know his name" You still can't forget his looks, his sexy voice and his good deeds to you. He really enchanted you.

"Wait, don't tell me that man with undercut hairstyle save you .. ?" Reiner seems kinda afraid. You feel weird. Why he act like that? "Yes, he was" you answer Reiner's question. Reiner's eyes widen.

"(name), did you know who is that person? He is dangerous to us" Reiner give you a warning. And that sparks more question marks in your head. "Just tell us who is that person. Don't beat around the bush" Annie grew impatient. She look left and right, to make sure there's no other people eavesdropping.

She don't want to add more scars in herself after Marco's case.

"That person is Captain Levi, the Captain of Survey Corps. He is super dangerous, his nickname is "humanity strongest soldier". He even can killed a lot of titans in a single blow" Reiner give his explanation about that undercut hair man. So his name is Levi. What a simple but amazing name.

"So, we have to distance ourselves from him?" you ask Reiner. Without wasting any sceonds, Reiner nodded his head. "Yup, he is our biggest threat. If he found out about our real identity, without doubt he can slashed our neck in no time" Reiner really serious in his words.

You sighed. It's really a shame.

" Maybe i should just forget about him" you talk to yourself.


Eren succeeded in sealing the gate. It was a huge win for people of Paradis, but it was a huge loss for you and your comrades. Even more frustrating, the King of the Wall didn't take any actions, he didn't even release the Founder.

Situation getting more hard when Eren is placed under Survey Corps custody. From now on, it's really hard to gain information about Eren.

"We have to be in the Survey Corps so we can get closer to Eren", you suggested. You guys have to act quick, time won't wait. Reiner also feels the same. Annie then giving her opinion. "That's not enough. Eren is under Levi's squad. So, in order to become so close to him, we need to get into Levi's squad"

"But, only an elite can get into his squad right?" Bertholdt think deeply. Yup, to be in Levi's squad, you have to be the best, like in top 10 or something"

So Levi have his own squad? Hmm, interesting, you thought to yourself. Not gonna lie, since that day, Levi's name keeps lingering in your mind.

When Bertholdt finish his words, Annie and Reiner look at you. You feel weird. "Why? Is there anything wrong?"

Reiner hold your shoulder. "There's a chance! (name), you're in top 3 right? You can join Levi's squad and gain information about Eren!". Reiner's words makes your heart beats faster. You? Joining Levi's squad? Your cheeks suddenly red.

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