Love in present

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From years and years, definition of love has been changed occasionally. Or i say,  love itself has been changed.
People often say they are in love, we all say. But, are you?
True love is lost in today's world and we all are surrounded with fake promises and fake feelings.

By fake promises, i don't mean the promises that were not kept but the promises that were never intended to be kept. There are many promises in this world which were true, but somehow circumstances made it uneasy to keep them.

Relations, are based on many aspects such as love, care, respect and many more. I am sure you all have heard of it once. But the truth is fights, arguments, disagreements, tears hold the same importance in that relation.
Let's assume a relation, both love and care for each other, both respect each other, stay with each other. Sounds sweet, isn't it?
But let's focus on what's going to happen. Without being apart, without having distance, they will forget the value of being together. Without arguments, they will forget the sweetness in romantic talks. Without fights and tears, they will lose that preciousness of smiles and laughs. Eventually, that speciality will be gone. That bond and relation, will fade away.
This is the reality of today's relations.
People nowadays want a perfect relationship and call it true love. But, what is perfect, can never be true.
Those flaws are what makes these things special.
But when people find flaws in their partner, they tend to step back.
That's how delicate relations have turned today. One mistake, one flaw, and the relation won't ever be the same.
But, a true and real relation is always strong, so strong that nothing breaks that bond. Something above those little mistakes and flaws. Where you decide to stay, no matter what and stand your words. Where you don't let your past ruin it. When both strive to be better and accept each other, not only their good part but their dark side too. When both are determined to make it work. Where there are both smiles and tears.
That's when you say, i have true love in my life.
Relations are never easy to keep and that is the beauty of it. Because one day, your patience and efforts will pay off.
There will be many difficulties, but that's where a relation is tested. Where a fake one falls apart,  and a true one emerges more stronger than before.

People say true love isn't easy to find. But i say it isn't easy to keep.
If you win that part, you win lifetime of happiness and peace.

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