Chapter 1

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Don't worry, we'll always be together until the day we die.


An alarm ring woke me up from my slumber. Reluctantly, I opened my eyes and was faced with the all too familiar ceiling of my room. I wanted to move but my body felt so heavy. Cold sweat formed on my forehead.

Was I dreaming?

What was it about again?

I was in a trance, the sound of the alarm drowned by my own thoughts and the faint sound of my breathing. I closed my eyes, trying to remember the dream I just had.


It's just a dream. Forget it.

But why do I feel frustrated?

I jolt up and slammed my hand on the alarm to make it stop.

"Ahhh. Dammit. I don't wanna go to school today. I feel tired."

I had no choice though. I have to go or else I'd get another mouthful of cursing from my parents. Speaking of parents.....

I stared at the door.

Anytime now....

"Y/n L/n! How many times do I have to come up here for you to move that lazy ass of yours!? Come out and eat! And don't you dare skip school again! We're working so damn hard just to afford your education! The least you could do was attend! We're not even hoping for a high grade anymore! As long as you graduate and get a job, that'll be enough! We're this close to giving up on you!"

"Then why don't you?" I whispered and grudgingly walked out of my room.


My mom watched me with her hands on her hips. Everyday she's like this. I feel so constricted. Can't I have a little moment of peace in this house? I mean, I get it. The food, the clothes... everything I have was from you. But at least give me a break. I'm only a human. I have feelings too.

I joined them for breakfast and silently ate my portion of the meal. We're not that well off but we're not lacking either. It's just so-so.

"Mom! Look! I made this and my teacher praised me for it!"

That was my little brother. The favorite sibling. Not surprising since he's showing promise even at that young age. His intelligence was enough to get him admitted on a higher grade. His classmates were a lot older than him but he still shines brighter.

"That's great! Keep it up. Work harder and don't be like your sister. I know you'll have a bright future ahead of you."

Why does she have to say those words everytime? It doesn't motivate me at all. It only makes me want to end this life. Maybe they won't even notice. I glanced at my dad. He was reading a newspaper and probably doesn't even care.

"I'm done. Thank you for the food." I said as finished eating. I didn't wait for any response and walked away to get ready for school.

"I'm worried for our daughter, honey."

"Why so?"

"I want her to have a good life even after we're gone. But look at her! She's so lifeless. I don't even think she has any friends!"


"Listen to me!"


They're fighting again. I sighed and finished buttoning up my uniform. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs.

"I'm leaving." I said. It's not like they're gonna notice though.

Zero Two x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now