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I slip my way out of the crowd and into an alleyway to see if they'll follow. The alleyway is narrow, filled with steam of heat from the sun, the loud voices of murmurs and giggle and even the loud wheels scratching the metal from the teenage apprentices pushing wheelbarrows filled with tons of ingredients. I stole a glance behind me, with the sun shining bright, the wall displayed their shadow as bright as day. I was right, it's not just one person, there's three of them. Though, the shadows don't allow me to see their visuals, I can still feel their eyes open for me. They're tailing me, and with every step, the shadows grow bigger. They're gaining on me. I've survived this long because I know when to escape and when to fight, and now is one of those situations where I choose to do both. They spread behind me, with their shadows separating, it's easier to know where they are, and where to aim.
                                      Before I miss my mark, I grab the sides of my cloak with one hand and curled the other hand on a knife around my waist. My pace slows, giving me enough time to focus and enough time for them to get close enough for my range. Once the shadows grew big enough, my muscles throb as I twist my heel and grab both my cloak and knife simultaneously. My knuckles face the front of my nose as I cover my face with the cloak, and with it my hands move as fast as light itself, I aim for the biggest one of them in the middle, throwing the knife like it's merely feathers. My blade moves with the shadows, it hits the person like bullets in the head. Blades make no sound but they cut even the toughest man, blood was dripping from his forehead down to his lips, as he fell helplessly to the ground. The rest acted fast, not even blinking an eye at their lifeless comrade with a knife on his skull. They draw their weapons and begin to charge at me with rage, but I'm faster. A wheelbarrow passing by me, contained sacks and sacks of powder, I gripped one of it tight and held it in front of me like a sack meant for strikes, my knee rushes from below and dreads it of its content as it explodes above, creating a fog and mist all at the same time, and with that my feet and my legs connected as I bolt out of the scene.

My muscles throbbed and screamed at me as my feet moved at maximum speed. Thanks to that I saw their faces, I can be more alert now. But still, it's been ages since I've moved this fast, mainly because it's been ages since I've had to outrun something not only I can see. My footsteps clash with the sound of the busy city. My fist tightens as I maneuver into lanes one after another hoping to shake them off. I look around and find myself out of the alleyway and near the crowd with the stalls and markets all lined up.
                                 Even with a panting breath, I start walking calmly. I guess, I outrun them, I can't see any sign of them anywhere, but it's not over yet my mind certainly reminds me of that. I can't afford to draw attention. Not here. Not with this many people on the line.
I know, I looked around that corner before, I keep on telling myself it's fine now, I've lost them.
                               But despite my greatest attempts, I can still somehow feel someone trailing me, the sound of footsteps echoes in my ears, the cold sweat that drips down my forehead vibrates through my skin, I feel dozen of eyes staring at me, it's as if though the entire market is looking at my every move. Beneath, the agonizing heat and the loud muttering that fill the air, I feel my heart beat fast, as if it's raising my lungs, my eyes scatter everywhere and everyone. A sudden throb, made me feel it all at once, like a hammer pounded on me with such impact.
I can feel it, I can feel that what I'm about to do next won't save lives. Instead it'll do the opposite.
My feet begins to pace fast, I will never forget this feeling and I'll be damned if I let it lose once again.

I bump into people's shoulders, trying to frantically get away from whatever's inside me. I have to get away from here. I have to get away from here. I have to get away from here! The same words repeat in my head over and over, each one making the weight of it heavier. With the risk of myself letting lose, I subconsciously enter the first place I see. My head falls, while I grip my cloak tight. A picture of a girl laying on the side of the road bathing in her own blood, with her face blurry, my eyes were forced open at the taunting memory. I take a gasp as I force the voice inside my head shut.
                                    My voice breaks as my mouth bursts open with my hands gripped tight on the surface of my chest, I can still feel myself trembling but my heart no longer beats like it wants me dead. As soon as the sun was covered, the murmurs, the footsteps, the echoes, the eyes. All of them slowly stands down my field of awareness. I still gasp for air, but it's calmer now. I raise my hand to get a good look at it. It's bleeding, the blood drips from my palm down to my arm. The dark red staining my hands, from the holes my bloodstained nails made, it's painful but I'd rather have my own blood stain my hands rather than the blood of many others. And the sensation that's always taunted me, it's gone. Again. I don't know when I'll feel it again, or if it'll ever come back but I've learned my lesson. Though, I crave the power, the consequences for such greatness exceeds my greed.
                              I let out a breath and found my eyes wandering at wherever my feet has decided to take me. A shelter of giant sheets of fabric, with pillars of woods on each edge, draped in brown. A tent, a big one. A loud cheering chant made my eyes fall on the dozen of people, they're smaller than the crowd outside, but they fill the tent to its brim. Their back face me as they raise their fists up high to cheer for whatever is going on in front of them. An audience.
                                 "What happened ?!" a deep voice yelling made my head turn as I see men scattering around the market, scouring everything and everyone. He isn't a recruiter, he doesn't have their uniform.
                                  "We lost her!" I hear another yell. My eyes bulge as I see the man who spoke those words. That man, he's one of them. He and those behind him were the ones who trailed me back at the alleyway.
                              The man taller than him grabbed him the collar. "Listen to me, all of our heads will be cut off if we don't find that menace. Find that bastard, no matter what. Go!!" And dropped him to the ground as he pushes him aside to go his separate way. I gulp the air in my lungs, I knew it. They're aware that I'm here. Soon, more of them will come. I can't waste anymore time, I have to get away. I need to get out of this city.
                           I turn my head at the crowd in front of me. Even though the tent is tall and wide, it still seems small with heaves of them crowding inside. I try to look for another way out, an opening, a space. But there was none, the people swamp this tent so much that there's barely any room to breathe. There's no other option, the only way to get across is through the audience.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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