Voting #3

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I completely blanked when I posted the last chapter. There was supposed to be a vote regarding the girls' birthday, which is also Brat's birthday in case you didn't notice, and I didn't put it in.

So, here we are now. Like last time, you have four options.

This time, however, the fourth option won't be a surpise since, you know, who else could it be?

So, you know the rules.

1.) One vote per person (I am checking closely)

2.) Try to keep it down to one comment per person

3.) The winner is the winner (stop throwing fits, this is democracy)

4.) Think about the consciences of your choices. They will affect the story.

What the heck does that fourth rule mean? Means that Bubbles didn't have to be the one to get affected by the curse. But since her supports have been quiet and she hasn't been getting many votes, she is now the cursed one.

Yeah. Bet you didn't know that, did you?

So choose wisely. Good luck.

P.S.- I'm a girl!
-lexi <3

Who Will Be The One To Spend Time With On Their Birthday?





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