Chapter one 

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Megan's POV
I wake up to my alarm, I hit my phone shutting it off. I'm going to the clubhouse today to see my dad.. I walk into the bathroom taking a shower, after 20 minutes I get out and get dressed (Megan's outfit, shoes, makeup, hairstyle, gun, purse)

 I walk into the bathroom taking a shower, after 20 minutes I get out and get dressed (Megan's outfit, shoes, makeup, hairstyle, gun, purse)

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I grab my purse and walk out of my hotel room. I lock the door, and head to my car.. I've been in my hometown for 2 days but haven't went to the clubhouse yet. I get in my car and start to drive to Teller-Morrow, I drive in the parking lot, park my car next to Gemma's, I get out of my car seeing some guys in the garage working, and I see a women walk out of the office "hello, how can I help you?" Gemma ask "woah mama Gemma don't recognize me?" I ask "omg. Megan?" Gemma ask walking over to me and hugging me, I hug her back "I missed you baby girl" she says "I missed you too" I say "does your dad know your here?" Gemma ask "nope" I say "well I'll go get him stay here!" Gemma says, I nod

"Omg is that Maggie?" I hear behind me, I turn around to see Opie "yeah it's me Ope" I say, he comes over and hugs me, I hug him back "I missed you" he says "I missed you too" I say "meme!" I hear, I turn to see my dad "daddy!!" I say, he runs over and hugs me, I hug him back "I've missed you meme" Tig says "I missed you too daddy" I say

"How long you been here?" Tig ask "2 days" I say, he looks at me "why didn't you come see me sooner?" Tig ask "I was sacred not gonna lie" I say "sacred of what baby?" Tig ask "you and everyone would be mad at me for leaving 4 years ago" I say "baby you had reasons, we aren't mad" Tig says hugging me again, I hug him back "you staying for good or leaving?" Opie ask "I'm back for good" I say

"Party night!!" Gemma says smirking "good, I missed SAMCRO parties!" I say "MAGGIE!" I hear, I look up at the doors seeing Jackson, I smile big "JACKIE!" I yell running over to him, he opens his arms catching me as I jump in his arms "I missed you!" He says hugging me "I missed you too" I say hugging him back, we keep hugging, him not letting me down, I wrap my legs around him "you back for good Maggie?" Jackson ask "yes I'm back for good" I say "good!! I missed my best friend" Jackson says "I missed my best friend also" I say "soo someone is inside" Jackson says looking at me "who?" I ask "Tara" Jackson says, I look at him "put me down" I say, he puts me down I run inside "tar!!" I say, she turns to me smiling "Meg!" Tara says, I run over to her hugging her, we fall to the ground hugging "I missed you!!" I say "I missed you too" Tara says

"How did you guys end up on the floor?" Tig ask "from hugging" Tara says, we both stand up "so I heard my god father got patched here" I say, they look at each other "how did you find out?" Tig ask "I have my ways" I say smiling. Tara, Jackson, my dad and I walk over to the bar taking a shot of JackDaniels, "hey prospect give me a shot of vodka" I say, the prospect hands me it, I drink it "so what's your name?" I ask "Halfsack" halfsack says "do I wanna know?" I ask "i can show you" halfsack says "don't you dare, my daughter does not need to see your one nut" Tig says, I look at my dad and then halfsack "oooh I understand now" I say "yeah I lost it when I was in the army" Halfsack "oh damn" I say

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jun 30 ⏰

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