chapter IV

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~ 8 months later ~

Taylor is due in a week so they're pretty much staying at home all the time just in case and she's clearly exhausted and she can't wait for the baby to be born. Joe has been treating her as if she was made of glass and with hormones and all the stress about giving birth in a few days it's been getting on her nerves a lot. She has snapped at him a couple of times but that absolutely didn't stop Joe from taking care of her.

„Love, are you comfortable there? Do you need another blanket? It's pretty cold here... Or maybe do you want some tea? Or anything to ea-" – he threw million questions per minute

„Joe, stop! I'm perfectly fine here, you have to stop worrying so much" – she just rolled her eyes as she switched the channel on the tv

She heard him sigh and within a second he was on her side.

„I'm sorry, I'm just really nervous... It can start any minute now and I'm just a little scared.." – he gently stroked her head

„I know.... But I promise, if I feel bad or something happens, I'll tell you, okay?

„Alright...But aren't you col-"


„Okay okay" – he just kissed her head and sat in the armchair next to the couch

They were chilling there for sometime watching some kind of history movie that seemed pretty interesting to both of them when Taylor started shifting on the couch a little and of course, it didn't go unnoticed by Joe.

„Everything's okay? – he carefully asked

„Yhm, she's just moving a lot" – she answered as she rubbed her huge belly trying to ignore the pain that she actually felt

Joe didn't look that sure but he let it go for now.

He did until he heard Taylor's quiet gasp as she quickly tried to sit up.

„Taylor? What's happening?" – he knelt down in front of her

She hasn't answered for a while. She just closed her eyes, rubbed her stomach and tried to take deep breaths. After a few seconds it passed and she leaned back on the couch.

„I think it's starting"

„You're in labor?"

„I think so but I think we should wait a little. It's not like I'll push her out in 5 minutes"

„I would feel safer if we went to the hospital and have some professionals to keep an eye on you baby..."

„Joe please... I will spend there enough time when she arrives, just give me some peaceful time at home"

He didn't look happy with her answer but agreed anyway.

„Fine...But if it gets worse, you tell me and we're going" – he tried to sound firm

„Yhm okay"

~ a few hours later ~

„Taylor, I'm begging you, let's go to the hospital"

Joe has been trying to convince Taylor to go there for last hour since her water broke but she kept saying that she's fine and that she doesn't want to go yet.

„I don't want to... I'm scared" – she looked up at him, her eyes glistening

„It's all gonna be okay love, I'll be there with you every single minute but please, we should go"

She hestitated for a moment but she agreed so Joe helped her get dressed in some comfortable clothes. She slowly went to the car and after Joe made sure they had everything packed, they went to the hospital.

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