The Story

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Hermione sat shaking on the edge of the bed. Her whole body was shaking and she hadn't moved an inch since Fleur had brought her up to the bedroom, minutes ago. She clutched her arm tightly as silent tears rolled down her pale cheeks. She could hear the others talking downstairs but fear stopped her from moving.

“Where is she?” She heard a familiar voice question.
“She's upstairs but in a bad way.” Another male voice answered.
“It's maybe not a good idea to go and see her mate.” She heard Ron answer.
“She's my girlfriend for crying out loud! I need to see her!” Fred shouted.

Hermione jumped slightly, as she heard Fred's raised voice. Fred was there, her boyfriend Fred was at Shell Cottage. She couldn't find the courage to go down and see him though. She appeared to be frozen to the bed she was sat on.

“Go easy on her mate.” Bill, the oldest Weasley pleaded.
“And don't you dare, hurt her.” Ron warned.

Fred never paid any attention to his little brother, just dashed up the stairs, taking two at a time, his heart pounding loudly in his chest. As soon as Bill had sent him a patronus stating Hermione, Ron and Harry had arrived at Shell Cottage, Fred dropped what he was doing and apparated straight there.

He hadn't seen Hermione for about 7 or 8 months and missed her like crazy. Actually Hermione had sort of broken up with Fred before leaving with Ron and Harry. Fred tried to talk her around but Hermione was being her stubborn self.

“It's for the best Fred. I might not make it out alive.” She stated over and over again.
“I'll be waiting on you Hermione. I'll wait a year or four if I have too.” Fred stated.

Hermione went off with Ron and Harry, leaving a heart broken Fred behind with not so much as an idea as to where they had gone. Now Fred knew where Hermione was and was desperate to see her, but as he approached the bedroom door, worry filled his body.

He carefully pushed the bedroom door opened, peering around the wood to see Hermione sitting on the edge of the bed, clutching her arm and staring into nothing. This was not the Hermione he knew and loved.

“Hermione.” He spoke quietly.

Hermione didn't even flinch or move at the sound of her name.

“It's me, Fred.” Fred said, edging closer.

Fred moved even closer, until he got to the bed. He kneeled down in front of Hermione. His heart shattered into thousands of tiny pieces when he took in her appearance. She was crying and her face pale and gaunt. She was never curvy in the first place but she was nearly skin and bones.

Hermione didn't seem to register that Fred was kneeling right in front of her so Fred placed his hand gently on her knee. She flinched at his touch. This also caused her to jump slightly.

“Hermione, please look at me. You're starting to scare me.” Fred pleaded, worry eveident in his shaking voice.

Hermione brought her eyes down to look at Fred. Fred moved forward and gently brushed her tear stained cheek with the back of his hand.

“Fred.” She all but squeaked.
“I'm here sweetie. I'm here.” Fred answered.
“Why are you here?” Hermione asked.
“Bill sent me a patronus to say you were here and in a bad way.” Fred answered. “Please don't push me away, Mione.”

Fred moved from his kneeling position to sit beside Hermione on the bed. She moved and wrapped her tiny arms around his waist while he hugged her tightly, letting her cry silently into his chest.

“Shhh. I'm here love.” Fred said.

When Hermione had finished crying, she pulled away and wiped her tears.

“What happened love?” Fred finally asked her.

Hermione pulled up the sleeve of her jumper to reveal a bleeding word which had been carved into her arm. The word being 'mudblood'.

“Oh my goodness, Mione, who did this to you?” Fred gasped.
“Bellatrix Lestrange, tortured me.” Hermione cried.
“That bitch did WHAT?” Fred shrieked, a bit too loudly, as he made Hermione jump again.
“She tortured me, Fred. She used crucio on me and then carved this in my arm.” Hermione cried.
“If I ever get my hands on that bitch, she's a dead woman.” Fred seethed.
“Please don't be doing anything, Fred, you'll get yourself killed.” Hermione pleaded, grabbing Fred's arm. “I'm alive and that's all that matters.”
“She could have killed you, Hermione.” Fred stated.
“But she didn't.” Hermione answered. “She did scare me, Fred. I've never been so scared in my whole life.”

Fred took a clean tissue out of his pocket and gently pressed it to the bleeding word on Hermione's arm.

“How did you run into that bitch anyway?” Fred asked.
“We had a run in with some snatchers in the forest where we were hiding out. They took us to Malfoy Manor where Ron and Harry were thrown into the dungeons while Bella dealt with me because I had the Sword of Gryffindor in my bag. She wanted to know where I got it from and thought I had stolen it from her vault at Gringotts.” Hermione explained.
“How did you get the sword? Isn't it at Hogwarts?” Fred asked.
“It appeared to Harry, hidden in some frozen lake.” Hermione answered.
“That's happened before, hasn't it?” Fred wondered. “It appeared to him when he saved Ginny in the chamber of secrets.”
“Yes. Apparently it appears to a Gryffindor who desperately needs it.” Hermione answered.

Fred cleaned up the bleeding then muttered “Tergeo.” which cleared up the wound.

“I think you're going to be left with a scar unfortunately.” Fred said.
“Thank you Fred.” Hermione said.

Fleur then made an appearance with some clean pyjamas for Hermione to wear and mugs of tea for Fred and Hermione.

“I'll go and leave you to it.” Fred spoke.
“I just really need to have you here right now." Hermione admitted.
“If you want me to stay, then I'll stay with you.” Fred answered. “But I'll let you get changed first. I need to contact George anyway.”

Fred reluctantly left Hermione's bedroom to send George a patronus to let him know what was happening. Once Hermione was changed into the pyjamas, Fred returned to the room.

“How are you feeling now?” Fred asked her.
“Very sore and shaky but I'm feeling much better now that you're here.” Hermione answered.
“Maybe I should run you a nice warm bath.” Fred suggested.
“Maybe you can in the morning. You are staying?” Hermione asked.
“Of course I'm staying. George is on his way too.” Fred replied.
“Oh good.” Hermione said. “It's good to see you Fred. I've really missed you.”
“I've missed you like bloody crazy. I was going out of my kind not knowing where you were or if you were alive.” Fred admitted. “It was horrible.”
“Lets not worry about that now. I'm here and you're here and that's all that matters.” Hermione answered, placing her small hand on Fred's shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2015 ⏰

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