Two Ghosts (Part 3)

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Renaissance!Lord!Harry Styles x Reader

Summary: Reader finds out more about Harry's and Francesca's past

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Summary: Reader finds out more about Harry's and Francesca's past. And after a rageful game of the king and his men playing a game of ball, reader tends to Harry wounds.

Note: grammar and spelling mistakes as always... I AM SO SO SO SORRY THIS CHAPTER TOOK FOREVER AND PROBABLY NOBODY WILL READ IT ))): anywaysss, lots of interaction between reader and harry in this chapter. angst and drama of course... (;

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And a reminder that the Two Ghosts taglist is always open! (:
Warning: mentions of smut, language, fighting

Words: 8.1k+

***April 19, 1536: The King's Cottage, England***

The sound of a singing bird from outside loomed into your drowsy ears, your eyes refusing to open.

Until you felt the creased spine of a book, alarming your heart and your eyes bulging.

You promised yourself just the night before you would put it back before anyone woke up. But now it was late morning. Everyone was up except you, because you had spent the entire night reading the book.

The book of poetry.

Harry's book.

His words.

Being caught with such a book of lustful and taboo themes was scandalous for a lady.

And it was right in your bed, wedged in your hand.

Your body was sent into panic mode as you threw on your night robe and ran down the steps, making a sharp turn, shooting down the hallway, and stepping into the small library.

You slammed the book right into its open space on the bookshelf. As if you had never touched it.

A sigh of deep relief left your lungs as you stood there, staring at the books. Before the sound of laughter caught your attention. Looking outside the window, you noticed some ladies of Charles' entourage walking about in the backyard. Charles and his lords were sitting down on a blanket, eating fruit and talking. As they watched the women. Charles' eyes on the girl with long black hair.

"Lots of books in here," a dainty feminine voice chirped.

But it startled you, your hand swinging back and knocking down the unlit candle on the desk.

"Oh, Lola!" you panicked.

"I'm sorry," Lola giggled, watching you squirm to reposition the candle.

"Were you watching me?"

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