Chapter One

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(A/N Just in in case you were wondering.)

Jacey: Jay-cee

Kerah: Care-uh (Like Kara/Cara)


Sighing, I rolled out of my comfortable bed, rubbing my eyes to adjust to the light beaming down on me. I lazily shut off the alarm clock,which was produced by an app on my phone. Flopping back down on the bed, I stared at the white wall above me and the ceiling fan that released small bits of dust.

"Kerah," I heard my mom at the door.

"Today's the day," she continued, shooting me wary smile.

After four years of high school, you would think that I was ecstatic to leave the small town I grew up in, but if anything, it was the opposite. I was very close to my family and spent my weekends with them, rather than going out and partying.

I wasn't necessarily a prude, or at least I wouldn't consider myself one. The entire party scene never appealed to me and I had never been a spontaneous teenager. Because of this, my best friend and I decided to take a trip together after high school.

Jacey and I became close friends on the first day of our freshman year of high school. We shared a passion towards foreign countries, more specifically England. Since then, we made a pact to collect enough money to have our dream trip to England straight after our senior year.

I had packed everything the night before, but this morning, my stomach turned at the thought of being away from my family for two months. Jacey assured me that we would be okay and that we would protect each other, but I couldn't help and think about everything that could go wrong.

I've never even been on a plane.

I've never even been outside of the United States.

I've never even been outside of Texas.

I've never even been to the grocery store without my mom.

"-if you need anything, alright?" my mother spoke and I realized that my thoughts had completely blocked her out. I nodded and she exited my room, leaving me alone once again.

Glancing at my empty room, I realized I was being a bit over-dramatic. After all, I would come back home after a while and two months exploring a foreign country wouldn't kill me, or at least I hope it wouldn't.

I smiled to myself and decided to call Jacey, just to make sure she wouldn't ditch me last minute. I scrolled through my contacts until I found "bigbootyjace" and pressed call. Within two rings, she picked up the phone.

"Kerah! Are you ready? This is the day, the day we become women, aren't you excited!?" she practically yelled into my ear.

I smiled at my best friend's enthusiasm. She had always been more social than me. She was confident and outspoken and talked to everyone she met. I, however, was very reserved. At the end of the day, we matched and we balanced each other out and I was so grateful to have her.

"Yeah, well, I just woke up. Come by my house, my mom will drop us both off at the airport."

"Are you seriously just waking up? I've been ready since four am, i'm ready to go!"

"Just come to my house," I chuckled and hung up.

Thirty-five minutes and three outfits later, Jacey and I were walking out my front door, struggling to carry our luggage.

"Alright, Kerah. You've got everything, right? Passport? Toothbrush? Undies?" my mother spoke while hugging me.

"Of course, mom. I'm ready."

"Jacey, what about you, honey?"

"We'll be okay, mom." Jacey responded with a smile. She had begun calling my mother "mom" during sophomore year, which made both of them extremely happy.

After ten goodbyes, two I love you's and one cab, we were at the airport, ready to begin our "adventure", as Jacey liked to call it.

"You know, Jace..." I began.

"I just realized we're going to an entire different country and we haven't really planned anything out."

"Don't worry, we've got a shish load of money." Jacey replied.

"Yeah, I know. I just think we should've actually planned things for efficiently."




I have always been a superstitious person. After watching "The Woman in Black," I really believed I was being followed by some sort of spirit. Even worse, a demon. Still, Jacey put up with my fears, no matter how ridiculous they were.

However, when thinking about our journey to England, I seemed to have forgotten the way in which we would get there. I, like the smart cookie I am, dismissed the fact that I would be traveling on a plane, also known as traveling on a death trap.

I looked wild-eyed at my surroundings. A man, already falling asleep and slightly drooling on his seat. A young woman, holding hands with what I believed to be her boyfriend. A young boy, who stayed completely focused on solving a Rubik's cube.

Yep, typical characters in a movie made to have everybody die tragically.

A hand was placed on my shoulder and I turned to find my best friend wearing an unconvincing apologetic smile.

"It'll be okay, Kerah."

"Shut up, you think it's funny." I muttered under my breath, only to be confronted with her loud giggles.

"C'mon, it's fine. Plus, who's idea was it to have you watch all those movies?"

"It was my idea."

"Great, now you'll think twice before re-watching all of the Final Destination movies, no wonder you're afraid of planes..."

"It's not tha-"

"And roller coasters." she interrupted me.

"Well, I don-"

"And large trucks."

"That one is-"

"And bridge-"

"Okay, I get it, thanks!" I spoke a little too loudly and the other passengers looked over at the commotion.

My face turned a crimson red and I slouched down on my seat, hiding from the unfamiliar faces. Jacey, who sat beside me, let out a small sigh and smiled before sitting down and preparing for our flight.


Hi, guys! I know this chapter was super short, I'm sorry about that. I decided to start a fan fiction and wondered if anyone would read it.

I will be updating as much as I can, but I kind of want to know if you all would be interested in reading it.

You can inbox me here

Love you lots,


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