Chapter 1

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There was a green flash in the air as Peridot launched her escape pod away from the rapidly falling gem ship. The lime green gem tried to steer the pod to safety, but it was too close to the ground. Peridot took a deep breath and braced herself for impact. The pod hit the ground with a loud smashing sound, and it skidded before hitting some sort of solid object that stopped its momentum. Peridot tore off the enemy gem's whip that wrapped around her body, but as she did so, she felt sharp pain go through her head, and she brought her fingers up to feel the damage. Her green triangular gem on her forehead had cracked down the middle from the crash landing. She scowled. Of course it had. Wincing, she moved bits of glass-like material off of herself and spoke into her intercom on her wrist. "Hello,Yellow Diamond," she gasped. "This is Peridot. My ship has crashed onto Earth due to enemy attacks. I will need someone to pick me up here." A voice sounded over the intercom, one that sounded weary and annoyed. "We can't do that, Peridot. Our ships need time to recharge." Peridot's green eyes widened. "What? Y-You can't be serious! Emerald, this isn't fair!" The gem on the other end sighed. "Fine. We'll try to send someone over. Send us your exact coordinates and a ship will arrive as soon as we can send one." The intercom buzzed, signaling Emerald's departure. Peridot took a deep breath to steady her nerves, and opened the slightly broken door of her escape pod. Stepping out, a wave of dizziness washed over her. Her gemstone throbbed, and she stumbled forward. Quickly Peridot reached for some adhesive material in her suit, and placed it over her damaged gem. That would have to do for now. "Let's see," she murmured. "What does Earth have that Home World doesn't?" Foliage, certainly. At least she would be able to hide herself and her demolished escape pod until morning. With a groan, she dragged her pod away from the area, slowly but surely reaching a relatively large bush and, collapsing beside it, she panted. Moving the pod should've been easy, but her suit was broken too from her fall. Peridot's boots clanked as she walked, and she ducked beneath another big plant to conceal herself. Laying down, she closed her eyes and waited for morning to arrive.

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