Whats your talent:

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Your a very good painter and he likes watching  you paint things.


Your a beautiful singer and he loves hearing you sing.


Your a really good actor! You always wanted to be in one of Meddas shows, but you are much to shy.


Your a great card player, whether he likes to admit it or not lmao. Everytime you win, he always says 2 out of three and begs you to play again, because and makes excuses why you won.


You are very good at sewing and knitting things. You always make him sweaters, that you know he wont wear, but you do it anyways.


Your a great swimmer! You always beat Spot and the other brooklyn newsies  in races, spot thinks it's so cute the way your competitive.


You actually have a great ability to write. Skittery loves reading your storys and always encourages you to publish them, but you are super shy to do that.


You have a gift of doing different accents, and Crutchy loves hearing them


Cooking! Since you work at tibbys, you always try to cook whenever you can, even though your just a waitress there, but you love doing it!


Your like really good at math, and he always loves seeing you concentrate on the differnt problems you solve.


You are very good at gardening! You always love planting flowers  and plants around New York.

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