Unrequited - Lee Cheong-san x Infatuated!Reader

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A/n First time writing a oneshot, I hope you all enjoy it. This scenario takes place before the virus begins to around the school. 

Your eyes lit up as your eyes caught onto Lee Cheong-san's figure hurriedly ran past the gates. He was late. Well, almost late. You softly laughed as he released tired breaths. His smile made you swoon. Unfortunately, you weren't the person on the receiving end of it.  

It was Nam On-jo that had his attention. Your eyes roll at this. It depressed you how you noticed that Cheong-san might have been in love with her. You hoped this thought was wrong. However, it wasn't. It couldn't be. 

The longing in his eyes when he stared at her made you grimace. There was no question that you were deeply in love with the handsomely confident Lee Cheong-san. Of course, it's not like the whole school knew about how you felt about him. It's not like every time you pass a group of students, and they would point and whisper about you. That's not it.

At each moment you could get, you would dumbly stare at Cheong-san. You couldn't help it that he was adorable. Anyone that gossiped about your lovesick state was the least of your worries.


Cheong-san entered the English classroom, and blush adorned your cheeks as your heart began to race. But as soon as your nervousness came, you were overcome with annoyance. On-jo walked in from behind him. Although this wasn't going to stop you from what you were about to do.

In your hand was a hand-made gift you made for Cheong-san. It might have cost more than your three-month allowance, but you didn't care at all. Perhaps this will cause Cheong-san to accept your love.

You watch your soon-to-be lover taking a seat by his desk, which causes you to take a deep breath. Hopefully, you seem confident enough. Readily, you head to his desk, ignoring the curious and nosy eyes of your classmates. Onjo was by her desk, thank goodness. You didn't need someone you disliked next to someone who you loved.

Feeling your presence, Cheong-san looks up at your figure. His dark eyes connect with yours. You swore you could feel your heartbeat roughly against your chest. Just having him look at you made you feel dizzy.

He sends you a friendly smile, which turns your already red cheeks into a strawberry. The anxiety you felt was intense, but you wanted to give him his gift. One that you have been planning to give him for some time now.

"Hey...?" He trails off, hoping you could introduce yourself. It broke you momentarily that he didn't even know your name, but it's not his fault that you never introduced yourself. "Y/n," You confirm. Cheong-san nods.

"Can I help you, Y/n?" He asks politely. You gulp at the fact that he used your name. He made your name sound like an angel from heaven. A ghost of a smile forms on your lips. Your hand stretches out towards him, and surprise takes over his facial expression.

A crowd of students formed around you both, it was the whole class, and there were even some students who stood outside the classroom peeking in. You could tell that Cheong-san was nervous. Either your gift was unexpected, or it was the murmurs from the classmates that made him feel uneasy. 

However, you didn't care about the people around you, you had Cheong-san's attention, and that's all that mattered, well that and the fact that you were giving him a heartfelt gift.

"What's this?" 

You shyly smile at him as he takes your gift gently. When your fingertips touched, you felt electrified. 

Cheong-san didn't want to hurt your feelings. He knew that you had a liking towards him. Whenever he entered the classroom, you blatantly stared at him. If he was hanging out with Su-hyeok, you watched him through the windows of the school. You were always there watching him.

When he didn't have lunch, you approached him with a lunch tray in the cafeteria. Mind the fact that everyone was staring at you strangely. You were popular just because of your intense infatuation with Cheong-san. 

You might have received some hate because of it. This wasn't new since you heard rumors that On-jo and Cheong-san were a couple, but you didn't believe it. They were friends..nothing more. Or that's what you told yourself.

"Wow, that's some gift," A voice cuts your thoughts off. It was On-jo. You swear she was everywhere. You knew she had no feelings for Cheong-san, yet she was everywhere he was and kept jumping into his business. 

When Cheong-san opened the well-wrapped present, inside was a silver beaded necklace with Cheong-san's initials engraved in the middle of an eagle that hung in the middle of the chain. Gasps exited from the mouths of the students. They were no doubt shocked at how expensive the gift looked.

Cheong-san sends you another one of his charming smiles. He stands up, gently grabs your hand, and walks out of the classroom past all the nosy students.


When you both are finally out of the spotlight, Cheong-san let go of your hand. This made you frown, your first time holding his hand. It was warm, and it felt perfect with yours. Luckily, the staircase was secluded, and it was just you and Cheong-san. It made you blush, thinking of what could happen.

"Y/n, your gift was amazing," A vast grin places itself on your lips. "But I like someone else," Instantly, your smile disappears. At this moment, you could feel your heartbreak. Your eyes began to blur. Numbness. That's all you felt. You were rejected by the person you loved with all your heart. 

Cheong-san didn't want to reject you in front of all your classmates, and he tried to decline you politely. Hurting you wasn't what he wanted to do. However, it seemed a bit too late for that.

"I-Is it On-jo?" You stutter as your voice cracks from the pain you were experiencing. He doesn't say anything, confirming your question. This unlocks the tears that were screaming exit your eyes. "I'm sorry," Cheong-san says softly as he walks back to the classroom, leaving you alone on the staircase in a crying mess.

"Just my luck, another crying girl," A rough voice enters your ears. He was annoyed, you could tell. Your red puffy eyes met his, and realization flashed across his face.

"Y/n?"  Without a second thought, he wraps you in his arms. "Who caused you to cry!?" The anger in his voice was evident.

"Cheong-san rejected me," Your voice is quiet and vulnerable, with tears continuing to trail down your cheeks.

"That punk!" He is about to leave you and possibly beat Cheong-san up.

"Gwi-nam, don't," Your soft voice enters your brother's ears. Gwi-nam sighs heavily. He hated the fact that you were in love with Cheong-san. Although he couldn't stop your feelings, seeing you broken made him furious.

He knew about the gossiping that involved you, how you were known as a lovesick puppy that created Cheong-san. No one knew that Gwi-nam was your brother. He made sure of that. To protect you from anyone who would try to hurt you because of it. Gwi-nam gently grabbed your hand.

"I'm taking you to class," Your eyes widen at his words.

"Won't I ruin your image...?" He gives you a deadpan expression. Gwi-nam will never allow harm to come to you. Cheong-san will now have to deal with him.

"I will never allow my image to come in the way of protecting you,"

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