We had been at camp for a week. I had gotten to know everyone in the camp. Mostly everyone is nice. Ed throws me off though. Also, Merle doesn't like me for some reason.

I was sitting at the campfire with a book and a pen, reading and leaving some of my thoughts in the columns when I heard heavy footsteps coming up to me.

"Hey, it's been a few days. I think we should make that run to the pharmacy." It was my dad.

"Yeah i agree. Im down to a little under 2 pens. It's an uncomfortable amount." I clicked my pen closed and marked my place with it, setting it down in my chair.

"Good. I'll get a few people together and we can go." He said and started walking off.

"Wait," I called out. I walked closer to him so and lowered my voice so no one would hear, "Don't you think it would be safer to go alone? I don't really trust that anyone here actually knows what they're doing. And what happens if we get attacked and they aren't fast enough? Then the blames on us and I'm not for that."

He chucked, "You know, I thought you were gonna want to take your little boyfriend. Im glad you're being smart." He smiled at me, which was really weird. "Tell you what, I'll go get a few weapons for us and let Lori know where we're going and we'll sneak off."

"Perfect." I chirped.

He walked off with a smirk.

The truth is that I dont trust my dad not to kill someone to save himself. So its best if its just him and I.

I see Daryl come into camp with some squirrels thrown over his shoulder and decide that he should probably know where im going.

I jog over to him, "Hey."

He stopped in his tracks and hummed at me as if to say Yeah?

"My dad and I are going into the city. We're not taking anyone else, or telling anyone except for Lori. I figured you should know in case we don't come back." I told him.

He looked at me for a minute with one eyebrow raised, then scoffed. "What are ya dumb?"


"You don't even know how ta kill one of em things. You're gonna get yourself killed." He argued.

"It cannot be that hard. You've killed plenty of them. And i can take care of myself." I can't believe he doesn't have faith in me.

"Let me come with ya," he picked up his crossbow.

I put my hand on his weapon, "No."

"Why not?" He queried.

"Because you're not getting killed for this. I only told you just in case, not so you could tag along." I fought back.

"Fine then. Get killed. What do I care anyway." He mumbled and stalked off.

I rolled my eyes and went to get my bag. I took it into the RV and emptied it out. I left all the books on the table and picked up the picture that fell to the floor. I didn't even know that I had it.

It was a picture of Andrew and I. We were sitting in a restaurant we had the plastic straws on our teeth, looking like walruses. I laughed at the picture and put it in the cover of one of my books.

I grabbed my butterfly knife and tucked it into my pocket. I also put back into my bag the first aid kit, my remaining insulin and the throwing knife i stole from the weapon stash for emergency purposes.

I went back outside and saw dad at Loris tent so I jogged over there.
What I saw when I reached the tent however, was not okay.

"What the fuck," they jumped apart, breaking the kiss they were in the middle of.

"Shit" dad mumbled.

I was furious. My jaw was shut so tight i thought I might break my teeth.

It has been one week since Rick died and they're already together. Its like he never existed at all.

"Ellie wait," my dad ran out of the tent and caught up to me. "Its not what it looks like."

"Oh really? Because what it looks like to me is you were kissing. Which really makes me wonder if Rick was really dead when you got there, or if you just wanted his wife." I stare at him and I can see it in his eyes. The truth. I scoffed, "I actually believed you. God I'm so stupid! You lied straight through your teeth and believes you. Youre fucking crazy! He was your best friend and this is how you treat him? I'm not even gonna start with Lori. As far as im concerned she died with Rick." I turned around and walked off, but I could hear him following behind me.

Before I knew it I felt his hand tighten around my arm as he dragged me to the trees and slammed my back into one. He moved his other hand to my throat, "You will not talk to me like that." he spit out. "What? You think you know me? You don't know shit little girl. And if you think--"

"What the hell are ya doing to her!" Daryl interupted. "Get off of her right now." He had his crossbow pointed at dad's head, "I said get off!"

Dad let go of me and put his hands in the air as if he was surrendering.

"Lets go Ellie," he cocked his head to the side to motion me away.

I walked away. The only emotion going through my body was pure rage. I felt like I needed to punch something. Anything.
I wasn't paying any attention to the conversation happening between my father and Daryl because all I could hear was a sharp ringing in my ears.

Daryl comes up to me and grabs my hand, which is balled into a fist. "You're not goin with him. You're goin with me"

I stop and look at him for a moment, contemplating. Do I let him come with me or do I go alone. I don't want him to die just because I need insulin. Apparently the war happening in my head is plastered across my face because Daryl interrupts my thoughts, "If ya go alone you're gonna die. I'm not gonna let that happen."

He sounded so genuine, so I gave in. "Fine, but just so we're clear, I can take care of myself. I'm only letting you come just in case."

He let out a small chuckle, "Yeah, I'm sure."
I turned around and stalked off to the woods, ready to just get on the road.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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