That Night

113 15 3

written by Henry Scott

*** The following is a deleted chapter from "Revenge" detailing the fateful night that Emma was possibly conceived. Enjoy. ***

Jake stood on Mary's front porch in the freezing cold. With a gloved finger, he rang the doorbell. He knew Mary was home because the lights were on, and he could hear the TV. So he hit the bell again; this time, he heard footsteps.

Mary flung open the door. "Sheesh. Hold your horses."

"Took you long enough." Jake pushed his way inside.

"Sorry, I didn't think you were coming. Hope you don't mind, I already started the DVD."

"No problem. My mom wouldn't let me leave the diner until she introduced me to all her co-workers."

"How is Nancy?"

"Good. Annoyingly sweet as always. She asked about you."

"She did? What did you say?"

Jake kicked off his shoes and threw his coat and gloves in a chair to buy himself time to think. He certainly couldn't tell her that Nancy reminded him yet again that Jake had married the wrong girl. "Umm— that you were good."

"Well, tell her I said hi." Mary padded back to the family room on fuzzy slippers.

Jake followed her. "I didn't know this was a pajama party."

Besides the slippers, Mary wore a tank top, one of Tom's flannel shirts, and a pair of sweatpants. She laughed. "What? Did you think I'd get dressed up for you?"


"Good. It's been a long week, and I've been looking forward to hibernating on the couch." Mary wrapped herself in a thick blanket. Jake took the spot next to her. An image of Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore was frozen on the TV screen. She grabbed the remote from the armrest, but before she hit play, she said, "I'm surprised you didn't want to get a beer with Bobby and Rick instead of hanging out with me."

"And listen to them argue all night like a couple of schoolgirls. No thanks."

Mary nodded. "Or did Tom ask you to keep me company?"

"Tom. Who is this Tom that you speak of?"

"I thought so. Fine, but I won't be good company. I'll probably fall asleep before the movie is over."

"With a new baby, I wouldn't expect anything less. Is she sleeping upstairs?"

"No. She's with grandma."

"A kid-free night. No wonder Tom was mad he was out of town on business. It sucks getting old and having responsibilities."

"Tell me about it. How are Kate and Sam?"

"Don't ask. Let's watch the movie."

Mary raised one eyebrow. "Ok. Have you seen The Wedding Singer?"

"Great movie. I've seen it, but I'll watch it again," replied Jake. "Speaking of beer. Do you guys have any?"

"It's in the fridge. Help yourself. I'd get it for you, but I'm too comfortable. Do you want me to rewind it?"

"No, lazybones." Jake stood and yanked the blanket off her. Mary tried to kick him as he walked by and missed. Jake laughed. He went to the kitchen and snagged a bottle of beer from the fridge.

Mary shouted, "Hey. While you are in there, pour me a glass of wine."

"I don't see any Boone's Farm."

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