Chapter 3

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Inspired by Audrey, for giving me the idea for this wonderful chapter for you to enjoy

For all my Fuzzymoon5er's waiting, this is an unedited chapter. BEAR WITH ME.

"I've come for your cummies"
I gasp, wondering who the mysterious person at the door was.

"Did you read the letter I put in your mailbox this morning?" They said while walking in. Still standing at the door, gaping at how this random person I didn't know could act so casually around me.
I study their features, trying to see if I recognize them. They have big meaty hands, and is muscular with a slight amount of chub. His stench gives off a nice scent of swamp, reminding me of home. But they had a ski mask on, covering their face of what I believe to have amazing features.


"NO! I have more important things to do than read some stupid letter!" I shout back.

They press me to a wall, and take off their mask. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT.




I can't move, his powerful hands holding me down. I used to know him in college, and he was even rumored to like me. Just when I thought I felt the same way, he is never to be seen again. No one knows what had happened to him, and I would cry myself to sleep every night hoping he was alive and well.

"I missed you so much," he said as he caressed my cheek. I turn away, with Igor-kun filling every corner of my mind.

"It's nice to know you're doing well," I reply, gazing anywhere but his face, his beautiful mud brown eyes. I don't feel the same way I used to all those years ago.

"Could you let're hurting me." I whispered, not knowing what he would do to me.

"Oh! Sorry. I just craved to see you for so long," Shrek responds as he lets go and makes his way to the black love seat I had slept on just last night.

Looking at my wrists, I see there is a slight amount of green gooey slime on my hands. What is this?

"Go open the envelope," he mumbled. I make my way over to my bags, and grab it.

I slowly open it, finding a note inside. I can't believe my eyes.


Before I have a chance to question him, he runs over to me and slugs me over his shoulders. He starts knocking down doors one by one.

"STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I screech as I bang my fists on his back.

Suddenly, he stops. I try to look up, and automatically recognize the room.
The Bedroom.

I automatically generated what he was planning to do. I cry in anger as I cuss him out. Only Igor can do this to me, he's the only one!

He throws me onto the bed, and takes off his brown vest. I have to think fast, before he can do anything. Then, I finally remember I have my blackberry at hand. I reach for my pocket, majestically swiping it out. I dial 911 and automatically get someone on the line.


Looking up, I see shrek-chan is gone. All that is left of him is his beautifully detailed poop brown vest.
The window is open, and a gust of wind flows around the room. I run over to it, and I see shrek flying outside.

"IT'S NEVER OGRE!" He tells me, flying farther and farther into the moonlight.

Breathing heavy, I slide down to my knees and cry in confusion.

Why did Shrek-chan appear now, all of a sudden? What will happen to my life now?

Wiping away my manly tears, I get up and look into the bathroom mirror. I carelessly let him in, and I didn't call didn't call the police as fast as I should have. What is wrong with me?

I forget about any work I have to get done, the time is midnight. I throw the sheets off my bed and lay in it with nothing but my body on it. I curl into a ball and slowly drift to sleep, singing the shrek theme song slowly in my head.
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