Chapter One: "First Day"

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The real world.

Everything you did from 3-18 all lead up to it.

Sure you think college is normal.

Well maybe you had a normal college.

I sure didn't.


The campus was littered with kids going from orientation, then paperwork, and lastly dorms. My name is Ted. I was confused by my schedule, my classes everything.

My schedule:

8-9:15 - feeding

9:40-11:00- gas.

11:35-1:00- conditioning

1:30-2:15- weighing


I just went to my dorm room my roommate Reno. He greeted me with a nod. Maybe this wasn't so bad.

Let go


Boy and girl


"So you new here too" Reno says. His blue and green streaked hair a matted to his face.

"Yeah I guess" I say. The room we had smell of gross unclean boys of before. Which made me wonder what they were doing. Soon it was eight and my first class began. Me and Reno parted ways.

I was the second to enter the class room. Their were only 3 other boys. Each sitting at a strange leather chair. Straps forced them to stay. I winced as on screen and all around a humming buzz of ambient noise. Hands appeared and began to force strange white liquid down our gullets as we heard.


Let go


Boy and girl

My stomach hurt as I was freed it felt as though my insides had been burned. That when the gas started it made my buttcrack tender. But it has just begun.

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