•𝓨. 𝓙𝓷•

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It was February 8th and it was your boyfriend's birthday.
You hadn't seen him all day, due to his dance/vocal practices.
You didn't mind since you had a special day planned for you and him. You were going to take him to the beach he constantly talked about visiting.

It was around the time that the boys would be out of dance practice.
It took Jeongin about fifteen minutes to get to your shared apartment, from the JYP building.
For some reason he took a lot longer to get home than usual.
You sat on the couch, bored out of your mind waiting for him to get home.
You were starting to get worried. It had been about thirty minutes since he got out of practice last.
Jeongin was never one to wander off places without telling you first. It was just one of his things.
You were debating on sending him a text, asking if he would be home soon, after all, you didn't want to miss the sunset. But as soon as I know, the front door opens, and I see Jeongin walk in with a bag of clothing, and two coffees.
"Hey beautiful! I'm so sorry I'm late. I stopped by the coffee shop with the rest of the members after practice, and Felix gave me the clothes that his sister sent for you. I'm really really sorry, I hope you aren't upset with me." Jeongin says, giving me puppy dog eyes.
"I even got you a latte!"
He hands you the warm drink.
"I hope it didn't go cold."
He has a hopeful look on his face.
"Aww, Innie! You're such a sweetie. Thank you for the drink, and I'll have to thank Felix and Olivia for the clothes."
I hug him, and peck him on the cheek.
You look at your boyfriend's cute face, and couldn't help but smile to yourself.
"Hey baby."
"Yes darling?"
"Happy birthday!"
You jump into his arms and pull him into a kiss.
"Thank you love! I thought you forgot. I was kind of down all day, but now I'm happy again, because you remembered!"
Jeongin beams. His eyes scrunching up as he gives you a big gummy smile.
"Oh, also, I have something for you."
He looks at you.
"What is it?"
You grin, and boop his nose.
"You'll see later Innie."
You see him pout. He always hated surprises because he had to wait.
"No fair. You big meanie."

You don't know how, but you had managed to keep your plans a surprise, no matter how much Jeongin begged and gave you puppy dog eyes.

"Please please please Y/n. Tell me where we're going. You know I hate waiting."
You chuckle to yourself.
"Well, it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, so you'll just have to wait and see."
The black haired boy huffed.
"Ughhhh this is torture. You must hate me." Jeongin pouts.
"Oh hush, we'll be leaving in a few anyways, so get your stuff together, and wear flip flops."
He pauses and looks at you, confused.
"Flip flops....?"
"Yes, flip flops, don't question."
He shrugs and puts on his shoes.
"No offense babe, but why do I need to wear flip flops in February?"
You roll your eyes.
"Just put the shoes on for christ sake."
Jeongin just laughs and follows you out the door.

The whole drive there was Jeongin eagerly trying to guess what the surprise was. He was never close to the actual thing, though.

"Babeee please, tell me where it is."
He puts his hand on your thigh, poking it to get your attention.
"You are a literal child sometimes, Yang Jeongin."
You chuckle and grab his hand.
"I am not!" He pouts.
"Says the one with a pouty face." You squish his cheeks, making his face puff up.
"Shut up." He grumbles.

You pull into a parking space and Jeongin lifts his head up.
"A beach? Why are we at a beach?"
He looks over at you for an answer.
"Well, I remember how you always talked about visiting the beaches in America, and how you loved it. I also remembered how you always talked about this beach and how you wanted to come here, but you were always too busy with work."
As you begin to talk, Jeongin's eyes light up with happiness.
"So...Surprise! I know I said it already, but happy birthday my sweet Innie."
He pulls you into a big hug.
"Thank you! Oh my god, thank you so much!"
He showers your face with kisses.
"Well, what are you waiting for, let's go!"
Jeongin was practically jumping in his seat in happiness and anticipation.

You both get out of the car and head towards the sand.
Suddenly Jeongin picks you up and flings you over his shoulder.
"Hey! What the hell-" You yell out in surprise.
"You were taking too long, let's go!"
Jeongin begins running towards the sand.

He set you down once you both reached the sandy part of the beach.
"You ass." You stuck your tounge out at him.
"Not my fault you were too slow." He smiles at you and kisses you on the cheek.

It was perfect. You both arrived there right at sunset.
The both of you walk down the shoreline, hand in hand, just enjoying eachothers company.

He stops to take a picture of the beautiful sunset.
You couldn't help it, you snuck up behind him and gave him a small smack on the ass.
"Hey! Y/n! Was that necessary?"
You burst into laughter.
"Yes, yes it was."
He just glares at you.
"I'm sorry, you have a cute butt and I had to smack it."
His face went all red, and he waved his hand dismissively.

You continued to walk for a little longer, until Jeongin stopped you.
He turns to you.
"You have no clue how much this means to me."
Jeongin tucks a strand of hair behind your ear.
"I can't believe you payed attention to all this stuff, even though it was just useless rambling to everyone. You make me feel special. I love you so much, Y/n."
You cup his face and stare into his big, sparkly eyes.
"I love you more than anything else in the world."
You both join in a passionate kiss. Not needy, just full of love for one another.
"Well, what do you say, let's continue our walk before it gets too dark."

You both join hands again and continue to walk down the sandy shoreline, occasionally splashing eachother with the freezing cold, salty, sea water.

Jeongin couldn't have asked for a better birthday, espically a better birthday gift.
Spending an important day with the one he loved, doing something he loved, was more important to him than any material object, and he made sure you knew that.


Word count: 1170 words

▪︎ Ahhh happy birthday to everyone's favorite makne, Jeongin!
Hope you have a good day <3

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