Chapter Twenty Three - Cheap Shots

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Caroline and I were in the midst of one of our conversations when the consequence of one of my many discretions also know as a cheap shot came to fruition.

"Have you heard the rumours?" I heard George.


"Ross Polderk's latest folly." I glance backwards "His reckless assault on a French Prison."

"Surely not."

"Caroline, lets top up our refreshment." I suggest guiding her away from overhearing the conversation that was going on.


Caroline had gone to get some air, the talk of France had gotten a bit to much for me. I stood by the refreshments with grapes and eating them, something to try and ease all the drink I was having. Elizabeth and George came over, I gave them a cheeky smile but didn't say anything.

"Excuse me. I promised Lord Falmouth the Allemande." Elizabeth left the two of us alone

"Are you not dancing, sister?" George asked "Or does your husband disapprove of the sport."

"Don't call me that, the thought of being related to you is enough to make my skin crawl." I huff "Why would Ross disapprove me dancing? You ask the most bizarre questions"

"Well, with his own pursuits verging on the hazards side. Is it not galling to be married to such a hothead?" he questioned "Bad enough in a 20 year old but a man in his 30s, with a wife and children, it's positively infantile. "

"George, if your still sore about him kicking your ass you really need to get over it. It's not my fault your a tiny little man trying to compensate." I glided away having my grapes as I did. I was leaning against one of the walls when Lord Falmouth approached me.

"Mistress Poldark." I composed myself and curtsied "I heard of your talk of your husband and France are the rumours true?" he asked. I cleared my throat.

"My Lord, I'm sure you would understand that to talk of such would be dangerous. There are those who would see him fail and in a way fall from grace." I countered

"I understand, might I confide in you though?" I nodded "My nephew was captured and is a prisoner of war, though I know not where."

"His name?"

"Hugh Ermitage." I hummed and took his arm we started walking

"What I say stays between us, yes?"

"Of course." he assured

"I have seen your nephews name, on a list. Where and how my eyes came about it, I shall not tell, but I can give you the small hope that when I saw his name last, he was still alive. If I'm right his is in trusted company. My lord, I will be truthful some time has passed since I saw his name, from what I am told the French are taking sport on innocent souls, be wary and prepared." I foretold we stopped and he tapped my hand.

"Thank you for telling me, Mistress Poldark." He lifted my hand and kissed it. I curtsied and he left, just as Caroline came rushing over.

"The royalist landing has failed." she stressed clutching on to my hands in despair.


"De Sombreuil and the leaders are captured. What hope is there for Dwight now?" I took her waist and guided her out, taking her home. I made sure she was put into bed and gave the orders that she was not to be disturbed but have a strong drink upon her waking. I arrived home in the early hours, Prudie and Demelza were up and awake.

"Poor Caroline." I huff "I took her home and got her into bed, I doubt she'll sleep. Thank the heavens Ross wasn't apart of the landing." I sat down and kicked my shoes off, there throbbing.

"Will 'ee tell Caroline?" Purdue asked

"To what purpose. I have no idea where Ross is or if he reached the prison or if he found Dwight alive." Demelza poured me a drink and I downed it.

"Let alone escaped again." Demelza added 

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