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Location: Bree - on the borders of the Shire - A Year Before the events of Book One -
It was nighttime in the small town of Bree, on the borders of the Shire. Two figures were walking through the muddy streets of Bree, both dressed in trousers, shirts and a cloak. The first figure held tight to the second figure's hand. Their swords were thumping lightly against their hips. The second figure had her hair pulled into a Dutch Braid, leaving the other half loose. The first figure, Thorin Oakenshield, turned his head slightly, making sure that no one was following them. He opened the door, holding it open for the second figure, who was Thorin's lover, Alrún Eníredis, as they walked in. The two chose to sit near the back of the Prancing Pony Inn. Alrún sat next to Thorin, who had taken his cloak off. She had taken her cloak off as well. Her beautiful pale skin of her face was now shown for all to see. Alrún cautiously scanned the room, looking at and assessing the people who were also staying at the Inn. Thorin leaned his head close to her ear, speaking quietly as to not draw attention to themselves.

"If anything should happen here, I don't want you using your powers. I don't want people to know who you are," he said quietly. His low, baritone voice sent slight shivers down Alrùn's spine, even after years of hearing it. Alrùn looked at her lover and nodded her head. Thorin sighed tilted his head slightly. "It is for your own safety, *Ghivashel. I am certain that rumors have spread of you and your powers." He said. His blue eyes bore into Alrùn's own blue orbs. He sighed and gently stroked her soft cheek. Alrún sighed and lowered her gaze, finding the floor to be quite interesting at the moment. "Do you promise not to use your powers, Alrùn?" Thorin asked. She sighed once again, then looked up and nodded.

"Yes, Thorin, I promise," She said. Thorin smiled lightly, pulling away. The barmaid walked over with a plate of bread with cheese and a tankard of ale. She set it in front of Thorin.

"Here you are." She said. Thorin nodded in thanks.

"Ah, thank you." He said. The barmaid looked at Alrùn.

"I'll be right over with yours, love," She said. Alrùn nodded in thanks, smiling. A bar patron walked past the barmaid nearly knocking a bowl of soup, a plate of bread with cheese and a tankard of water from her hands. "Watch it!" She snapped.

"Sorry, darlin'." The patron apologized. She made her way over to Alrùn and Thorin's table and placed the meal down in front of her.

"Here you are, love." She said. Alrùn nodded at her.

"Thank you very much," She said. The barmaid nodded, walking away. Thorin had already started eating. She tore a piece of the bread off and dunked it into, what seemed to be beef stew, before eating it. Alrùn's stomach grumbled in thanks for the meal it received. As she took another bite, she could feel some not so kind eyes staring at her. She glanced at Thorin. "Thorin," She whispered slightly nervous. Thorin stopped eating and nodded.

"I feel them to." He said quietly. They glanced around. Alrùn lightly turned her head and saw a man in the corner watching them. Thorin looked around and noticed another man on the opposite side also watching. They got up and started to walk over to the couple. Alrùn lowered her hand to lay atop his, gently squeezing it. Thorin set down his bread and squeezed her hand back. Her breathing started picking up as the men got closer. With his free hand, Thorin got ready to draw his sword when suddenly a man in gray sat before them.

"Mind if I join you?" The man asked. He stopped the barmaid as she walked past our table. "I'll have soup and water please," he said. The barmaid nodded and walked off. Alrùn slowly looked around, noticing that the two men stopped in their tracks and went back to their seats. She let out a shuttering breath of relief, letting go of Thorin's hand. The man looked at the two. "I should introduce myself. My name is Gandalf. Gandalf the Grey." The man, now known as Gandalf, said. Thorin nodded lightly.

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