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Y/N Stark was an exceptional child. At the age of 5 she designed a space ship that successfully went to and from space. At the age of 10 she had graduated college. To say she was a genius was an understatement. But of course, she had powers as well.

She could manipulate water and breathe underwater, she could fly, she could teleport, she had telekinesis, she could read minds and manipulate them as well. It seemed as if a new power was being added daily. And that statement seemed to be true.

She didn't have many friends, though having an extremely accelerated course of study would do that to a 12 year old girl. Her friends were the people at the Avengers compound, where she lived with her father and family. Though, sometimes she'd go out with her teenage friend, and older brother figure, Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man. She met his friends, MJ and Ned. They seemed to take a liking to her, but of course they had to lie to them and say that she was Peter Parker's cousin, Y/N L/N. Not that she minded, she enjoyed hanging out with them, it made her feel like a kid.

Though what was funny was that sometimes, Peter would ask her for help with his homework. "You're the smartest person I know!" He exclaimed, looking at his new 'little sister'. "You'd be lost without me Parkey." The 12 year old giggled. "That I would." He nodded, messing up her hair. She smacked his arm, fixing her hair once more.

Naturally, she went to Titan and saw Peter get stolen from them. The dreaded words, "Mr.Stark, Y/N, I-I don't feel so good." She had rushed to his side, while her father held him, laying him down. "You'll be fine kid, you're okay." You dad spoke. "Come on, Peter, you promised I could go through your closet and take some old sweatshirts! You promised we'd go hang out with Ned and MJ! Peter, you have to stay c'mon Peter." Her voice cracked. She sobbed, tears streaming down her face.

Peter smiled sadly, "I'll keep my promise, see you later..." He said, turning to ash before her eyes. "Parkey!" She reached out, but all that was left of him was a pile of ashes, that were blown away by the wind. You sobbed, crying into your father's shoulder.

He hugged you. You and him hugging in silence, mourning for the loss of Peter Parker.

When she got back, she was numb. Though, sometimes she'd find tears spilling from her eyes. Not that she could tell the difference. After two years, she kind of got back to normal. She spent more time with May, and took the sweatshirts Peter promised she could have. And a few extra, because she missed him. She went to Midtown High, Peter's old high school, just to see how they were doing, and to collect Peter's old stuff. She kept them with her at her little lake house, where her and her family moved to settle down with her new little sister Morgan.

She helped out with Midtown high a lot, because it made her feel closer to those she'd lost. Sometimes, she'd find herself giving lectures to the 17 year olds, having already finished high school. She tutored some kids here and there, but no one really wanted to be tutored by a freak genius. As some rude kids said, though she didn't let them affect her, she knew they were just mundane teenagers upset that some other teenager doesn't like them, or they suddenly got smacked in the face with the truth that the world doesn't revolve around them.

She had developed new powers too, she could fly, (she sprouted huge wings, think maleficent), she could shoot blasts of energy from her hands, she could teleport, and she was super, and I mean super strong. She spent a lot of time training and being the friendly neighbourhood superhero because Spider-Man was gone. Though crime had significantly gone down, and she had to go to other cities to see it she could help. So more of a countrywide superhero. She sometimes wished she had her own 'Peter tingle'. She laughed at the memory...

"You know Petey, I think your Peter tingle is cool." The 12 year old y/n stated, smiling at the boy who was trying to finish his chemistry homework.

He groaned, "Please y/n , don't start calling it that too! It's not my 'Peter tingle', it's like-like another sense I have." He sounded defensive, which only made the girl laugh.

"No seriously, I think it's awesome! Like a crime finding GPS!" She laughed, "hey Siri, tell me where the nearest crimes are." The girl was doubling over by laughing after she got that sentence out. It took Peter a few seconds to register what she just said, he blinked blankly, then started laughing his but off as well.

By the end of the day, he had a new nickname, 'Spider-Siri".

She didn't really have a superhero name though. People just called her their new 'guardian angel'. It was very flattering and fitting to her wings. Maybe she was just going to be 'Angel', but who knew. The public may give her a new name.

She only had a few friends, but they were close ones, ones she knew she could trust. All of her friends knew her secret, she hid nothing from them. B/F/N and B/F/F/N were the only ones she trusted. Everyone else she thought, should be kept at arms length, keeping them close so they think they know her, but far enough away so they don't see the secret scars on her.

"Y/N honey, I'm going to be gone awhile. Pepper's coming with me, so can you watch Morgan?"Tony stark asked, she nodded not looking up at her dad, too focused on what she was drawing.

Her dad sighed and walked over to her, he kissed her on the forehead, and pulled her into a hug, "you know I love you, right? You're one of the most important people in my life, I'd do anything for you. Take care of your sister and your mom while I'm gone." He said, his voice slightly muffled because his face was hurried in his daughter's hair. She thought it funny since her mom was going with him, but she thought nothing of it.

"Okay dad, I love you too, I'll see you soon, we have lord of the rings to binge watch! I can't believe you've never watched it!" She laughed, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled, and let his hand caress her face, as his eyes scanned every feature, every curve, as if he were trying to memorize her face. She leaned into his touch, "Okay, I think you need to go now, Morgan's taking a nap, I'll see you when you get back."

"Yes... when I get back. I love you 3000." He joked, copying Morgan.

She cracked a smile, "Love you 3000."

The next time she would see him, was on the battlefield, his death bed.


Hello dear reader! I hop you're enjoying the story! Warning, I do not, and si repeat, do NOT double check my writing, so I'm sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes.

Anyways, enjoy the next part!

Your amazing author,
Leyarilsaria Katlistarnis

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