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Y/n Y/l/n also known as Minecraft's most skilled PVPer, has beat the blade and dream.

20 years of age.

as for now you wont get much of a say on her looks so ill try and be blunt with it.

black hair with f/c streaks

long/short hair any is fine


style is assassin like "grunge"

as this will be her features for now, in the future chapters you will be able to make your decisions on her looks this is just her starter looks!

great with combat, archery, Redstone, building, crafting and much more.

Very much tactical and has many saves.

as for this story you will be 5'6

your personality concludes of no emotions, no emotional attachments, and blank faced façade.

...will that be changed?...

...who knows?

merciless, stealthy, powerful and blood thirsty.

You will have powers here, and no you aren't a hybrid I'm sorry to those furry wannabe's ily still though <3

you will be bi or pansexual, really depends on some preferences.

she/they pronouns <3

family: ???

your powers: Manipulation, mortality, the ability to make someone fall in love.

You are royalty. 

no you and techno aren't siblings, but we will get to who is later on in future chapters <3


You were taught at the age of 7 to fight since in your kingdom you have to protect and its not the other way around, your 13 years of training definitely paid off. your the princess of the Culyandre kingdom. One known well for their princess with a unique skill. one that's only given to one person special. at the age of 16 you got ready for coronation, but war suddenly broke out, everyone died but you, you are still currently on the run since then you have packed your bags when you came back, you grabbed weapons and other memorable things, you broke down mid way to reality hitting you, hard. You were all alone. . . or so, you thought. . .

This AU is in between minecraft and real life, when you do lore you will suddenly have a change of AU but when not in lore you will have the normal streamer life.

Fem/NB reader, but im kind of more comfortable with fem reader so please correct me if there are any errors or corrections needed! 

That's all darlings, until next chapter <33

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