"i never thought I'd feel this way again."

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My heart rate goes up, This man was hot, yes. But seeing him in front of me full eyesight HD, is just, Heart attack worthy.

i felt like time stopped as we stared into each others eyes, as i stared into his chocolate brown eyes, i feel him starring into my e/c ones. 

"All passengers please sit down." Boomed from the intercom.

i tried to find my voice, but i could barely even talk.

"Uh- yes?-" i stammered, kind of embarrassed. not kind of. . .


"Oh, uhm right yeah, is this seat taken?" he asked with a stupid smirk of cockiness.

just because i almost drooled, does not mean you can be cocky and smirk at me. 

Although his smirk is quite sexy, i wonder what else is sexy about hi-

No, fuck, shit. 

Y/N you just fucking met him.

"Nope, not at all!" i said, maybe a little to eager.

Fuck, he noticed my eagerness, his smirk. is. Growing.

"Alright, don't panic, just me, sitting here." he said with that devil like smirk. 


As he sat down, he pulled out a book, im surprised a hot streamer who screams at a fucking green tea kettle following him, actually reads.

"Woah, you read?" i ask, sarcasm through the roof

"Yes Darling, i do read. I may be a streamer, a hot one at that, but im not stupid." He said, his accent was really popping, its cute.

"Okay, how about this, lets play 20 questions?" He asks, not looking up from his book, he must be very occupied by that books.

"Alright" i respond, actually curious

"Okay, ill go first, what's your ideal date?" he asks

"Oh, i actually really like, beach dates, its comfortable, well for me. " i answer back

"Really? and why is that?" Gosh, this man has me melting.

" i love it because i met my first love there. i know it seems dumb and shit, but yeah, i met my first and probably last love there." i respond a little less happy.

"Oh, im sorry for bringing up that topic." He says sympathetically.

Sympathy, concern. I hate them, when i tell a sad part of my life, i dont want a pity party, i dont like unwanted attention, i dont like the fact i get attention from the wrong reasons. 

"Yeah no, its uhm been a while, i dont mind." Its been 1 year.

"Okay, your turn" 

"Alright, tell me a secret no one knows" 

"Aright, so there was this girl i liked, and i asked her out, but then found out she had a boyfriend, so i took it quite personally because that girl, was my bestfriend, but since i ruined our friendship, she kind of never really talked to me again, but the thing is, she texted me yesterday, saying she likes me, and she says that as soon as i move on? she serious right now?" he says, a look of boredom, yet hurt in his eyes.

"well first things first i dont care, second she was an ass, and third, im sorry." I say.

Honesty is the best policy am i right?

on second thought- 


as we continued to talk, our conversation eventually faded, and i got tired, i slowly felt myself drift off to sleep, just as i was taking in a breath, i feel my head getting pulled to lay down of a shoulder. 


And at that moment, i felt comfort in a man, i never knew i would feel again, after he left. 

but there it was, the feeling of a safe place, a comfortable place, One i feel okay in.

But the best part, is i feel it with George

And no, i may not be in love with him, but that does not mean im not comfortable with him.

and that says something.

I never thought i'd feel this way again.

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