Chapter 10: Rose gets captured

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Riku Pov

"Larxene! Your back!"

"What? I wasn't here before, what's going on?"

"*censored* Rose was here."

"Capture her! She can't be an imposter!"


Ash Pov

Serena brushed my cheek gently, but then stopped to the voice of Serenity.

"..Larxene has found out about the imposter. The imposter is going to get captured, and then death will be upon the person in two days. Rose, will be captured, or not. New instalment! Rose is gonna die!"

I blinked in confusion. The last article said that they left, but there wasn't an imposter. Then who got them out?


Serenity Pov

"Hello. You are ok?"

"Fine! Does anybody else besides us have to get captured?"

"Ziek!... well Rose."


Hello people! I've finally finished the chapter, and I'm sorry it wasn't up yesterday! °_°

Today expect chapters 11-13 up today!

Bye!! :)

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