A letter to my ex.

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Well after what happend with Quees and Travie last night,Quees left.Well once he came to his senses. Even tho yeah he was a free babysitter,i'm glad he's gone. I've always been a bad bitch who no one messed with,so why exactally did I just sit there and let a man repeatedly put his hands on me??Well that won't happen again,and I mean EVER. I'm no ones bitch,especally for free. Me and my little Jacob were just chilling on the couch watching Dora. I know he's not old enough to understand it but aye,Dora's that bitch! Then I got a text from Travie.

Mr.OhSoFlyWilliams!: Aye imma' come get you in like ten minutes.

*No_Worries!*: Umm I don't have anyone to watch Jacob.

I had completely forgot that we were supposted to chill today.

Mr.OhSoFlyWilliams!:Bring him.

*No_Worries!*: Nigga you lucky i'm ready.

Mr.OhSoFlyWilliams!: Well I told you all this yesterday,I see no reason on why you wouldn't be ready(;

Smartass. I got up and got Jacobs carseat and his diaper bag which had like everything he'd ever need in it. In fifteen minutes Travie came.

"Hoe your five minutes late." I said strapping Jacob into his car.

"I knew you'd probably need them five minutes."He said smirking once I got into the passengers seat. He took us to the park. He carried Jacob and we just walked around.

"So is there a certian reason you brought us here?" I asked after like twenty minutes. Travie's not into simple stuff like this.

"Because of that."He said pointing straight ahead.Once I looked I saw Issa leaning on his car smiling at me. I ran up and gave him the biggest hug ever!

"Haha I see I was missed."He said smiling down at me in his arms.

"Of course you were baby! But I thought you still had like a week left?"I asked.

"Good behavior." He said.

"Pshh your never good." I said winking at him.

"Babe,you still have three weeks left. So don't try and turn me on." He said smiling.

"Pshh okay."I said.

"Damn look at my little man growing more each day."He said getting Jacob from Travie.He was holding him and playing with him and even got him to smile! I didn't even get him to do that yet!

"Well imma' leave ya'll three alone." Travie said ,hugged me, then walked away. Then me,Jacob,and Issa walked around the park. Then little Jacob fell asleep on Issa's shoulder and it looked so adorable! Then we decided to leave.While we were driving home Issa got me ice cream,that good Baskin and Robbins!

"So babe...Why didn't you tell me Quees has been over there?"He asked.

"Well uh I-"

"And why didn't you tell me he put his hands on you?" He asked calmly.

"I just didn't want you worrying." I said.

"Well babe your lucky Travie came or god knows what would've happend." He said. I could tell he's struggling to stay calm.

"I'm sorry baby! I just got so cought up in the feeling of having help with Jake that I just didn't give a fuck what happend to me." I said finally realizing why I stayed.

"Well you never have to feel that way again. I'm here for you and him regardless." He said holding my hand.Once we got home Issa took Jacob to his crib and I went to the living room to watch T.v.

"Please tell me that pice of shit isn't here anymore. I can't stand his ass." Talia said walking in.

"Damn,that's my welcome home??" Issa asked comming up behind her.

"Thank god your here!" She yelled hugging him.

"Well you don't have to worry about him showing his face here anymore." He said sitting beside me.

"Good!" She said sitting down.

"Aye why ain't you beat his ass for me?" He asked smirking at her.

"Oh I was going to but your girlfriend here just had to stop me." She said looking at me. The rest of the night we all sat there laughing and talking. The perfect end to the perfect day.

The end!

Haha nahh i'm fuckin' with chu'! If only this was the end(;

Love like this<3 (Issa love story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon