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"Father, do you work for him?" Isolde asked before I had a chance.

"Yes," answered Father.

"Are you going to let them sit here while we talk?" Hitler asked Father. Father leaned over and whispered something in Hitler's ear. "Fine, they can stay."

"If I may ask, why are they allowed to stay?" Eva asked.

"In a couple of months Leo and Isolde will become Nazis!" Hitler announced. Mother's eyes grew wide as she stared at Father then at Hitler.

"Andrew, do you agree with this?" Mother interacted him.

"I am the one that came up with it!" Father snapped.

"Do our children agree with this?" Mother demanded. Eva was watching Mother and Father bicker while Hitler just sat there, watching with great interest.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2022 ⏰

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