Author's Note~

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Hey guys. So, we haven't updated in a REALLY long time, and I apologize for that. We have been really busy with school and soccer and track and homework and everything else. So PLEASE be patient with us. We will try to have an update by Monday, if not sooner.

Also, I just wanted to address the whole Zayn situation. If you are reading this story, you are probably an One Direction fan, so this applies to all of the fandom. I am extremely sad about Zayn leaving, he was such an amazing part of the band we know and love. However, we need to support him as he moves on with his life. Being upset is okay, but being hateful is not. Just think of the rest of the band, and Zayn, and how much harder it is for them than us. Just wanted to put that out there.

One last thing. In order for this fan fiction to be successful, we need votes. And readers. I don't want to sound ungrateful, I am so excited about the success of this story so far, but you guys need to comment and vote in order for Astray to be successful. So I'm asking you nicely, if you haven't already, go through and vote and comment each chapter? I'm expecting a lot of votes and comments, by the way. We work hard to write and update, and when you guys vote and comment, it means a lot. If you can't take the time to vote and comment, well, make time, or don't read the story. I sound really pushy, and I'm sorry, but we love Astray. So, spread the story around to all your fangirl friends, or even people on Wattpad! Thanks for all the support. Xx-J

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