Gloom And Bloom

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Thanks for all of the reads! Let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions! I got some of these ideas from kaylea2003 Thank you! Watch the video aboveto hear the whole story.
Spectra's pov
Omg!! The Gloom and Bloom dance was fangtastic! At the dance, I found this juicy story. Ok so, Gil took Lorna McNessie to the dance, They were dancing together and then Lagoona walked in and said, "Gil! What's going on here!?" Gil and Lorna were studdering and were shocked. Shocking! And amazing and juicy! Sorry Gil, Lagoona and Lorna if I put you guys on the spotlight but you Lagoona's react was great for a story!
Lagoona: Its alright mate! I shouldn't of acted the way I did. Also I'm sorry Gil.
Gil: It's alright Lagoona!
Lorna: I'm sorry too.
Lagoona: iI's okay Lorna!

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