♔ T w o : Realizing Power

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"When you become the image of your own imagination, it's the most powerful thing you could ever do."
- RuPaul

Expectations of me climbed higher as the weeks passed and my mind was pleasantly distracted by all the effort I put into learning

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Expectations of me climbed higher as the weeks passed and my mind was pleasantly distracted by all the effort I put into learning. Sleep dwindled to just enough to keep me from fainting while surrounded by work staff and my ever present bodyguard. Nightmares came frequently, the image of my love losing his head and my feet stuck in quicksand.

I refused to dwell on it. Instead, I looked at Colin who wore the same stoic expression he always had etched onto his face. His presence was becoming comforting, though I still hadn't found out much about him personally. He kept to himself other than the few times he would be granted time to check in with his pack.

Wanting to change that and really start to gain knowledge about those who were under my rule, I opened my mouth to speak. However, I was interrupted before I had the chance to start.

"My Lord, there is a visitor here to see you without an appointment. He claims he has special orders from the Queen." One of the guards in charge of security entered the throne room, unannounced. I recently learned he was called Jefferey and he was very serious about his job.

"Did he give you a name?" I prompted, wondering who Helen could have sent to me without permission. Not that she needed it.

"Draven Bodescu." Jefferey's face grew uneasy and I felt my heart stop for a fraction of a second.

I was finally starting to feel important and necessary in my role here at Cathcart Manor. The sudden appearance of Draven caused thoughts I was desperately trying to keep locked away to spring out of their metaphorical box. Pain flooded my chest.

"Let him in, please." I saw Colin stiffen in the corner of my eye. I couldn't be sure if it was from the tone of my voice or because of our guest. Perhaps both.

Self consciousness caused me to fidget under the weight of my small crown that Ellise insisted I wear while sitting on the throne. The very gaudy, ostentatious throne that was three times larger than I was. Draven knew a completely different side of me. Sometimes I didn't even recognize myself. What if he doesn't recognize me?

There was no mistaking him. The moment he entered through the archway, my smile spread across my face automatically. I didn't realize just how much I missed him. Draven's hair was more wild, hung in tatters as it extended past his breast bone. As was his beard, no longer neatly trimmed against his chin, rather it hid his neck in its length.

Yet, Draven was still the same. His gaze glanced over my large personal guard, not giving him a second thought before he landed on me. Placed on top of a literal pedestal too exuberant for Maddie the monster defect. How will he react to Lord Madelyn of Cathcart?

If there were any reservations he held after seeing me in my new life, he didn't show it. Instead he strode up to me and pulled me from the golden chair into a bone crushing hug. Colin looked ready to interfere, most likely with violence but Draven dropped me back into my seat.

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