2p!America x Sick!Reader

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2p! America x sick! Reader

(A/N I made this for a friend who loves 2p! America and was feeling ‘a little’ sick today. She knows I’m talking about her. By the way, Serbia is my OC.) Enjoy!

“Holy fucknoodles…” you mumbled as soon as you woke up. You were sick with… you had no idea. You looked over at your clock and saw that it was- “WAIT! IT IS 3 PM ALREADY?! I’m late for the world meeting! Like, 4 hours late!” you rushed to stand up, only to fall back on your soft bed in pure pain as it felt like Serbia had just hit you in the gut, the head, and the everything else with her axe.

~~~~~ Time skipiddy! ~~~~~

 “Holy bean burritos that hurt…” you scowled and winced as another sudden burst of pain shot through your abdomen and skull. You suddenly heard a loud knock at your door and heard your friend’s familiar, cute heavily-accented voice yell, “(C/N)! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?! ARE DEAD OR SOME SHIT?" You somehow managed to call out, despite your hoarse voice, “N-no, im ok.”, your voice wavered a bit as you spoke, “I’m just feelin’ a bit shitty.” you soon heard your door burst open, most likely from Serbia kicking it open or something. “Doll? Where are you?” you heard Allen yell while he and Matt walked in. “I’m in my room…” you called softly, hoping they heard you. You turned towards your door and watched Matt and Allen walk in your room. Allen looked at you sympathetically and Matt looked at you with their usual bored expression, but you could see a bit of their ‘bro-why-did-you-not-tell-me-I-would-have-helped-you-jerk’ side starting to come out. “Aight. I helped you get to (Y/N)’s place. I’m out.” Matt said flatly, glaring at Allen and walking as quickly as they could out the door. There was a small pause before Al rolled his eyes and said sarcastically, “Well, that was nice.”

 “I’m gonna go get you some medicine and whatever you need.” Allen said as a small blush formed on his cheeks, since he had no idea how to take care of people at all. He walked out of the room to go get some pain killers and soup. You laid back and just waited for him to get back upstairs. You started to feel a bit drowsy, so you closed your eyes and drifted off into a hopefully pain free sleep.

'''' More time skips ''''

You woke up a few hours later, your headache gone, but the pain in your stomach still there. You looked over at your night stand and saw a tray with a bowl of soup, a bottle of pain killers, a glass of water, and a small note on it. You gently picked up the note and read it. It said,

Dear (Y/N),

I feel bad that I have to leave, but I knew Ollie would start fussing about me ‘playing hooky’ and stupid shit. Well, I hope you feel better later. You were sleeping when I came up so I just sat this stuff here on your nightstand. The soup should still be warm. Love ya’ Doll.

Sincerely, Allen

You smiled and muttered, “It’s official. I have the best boyfriend EVER!

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