Chapter three

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Inko had told Izuku that he'd be moving back to Japan to move in with his father named Aizawa Shouta. Because of all the danger that he was getting into, and that Aizawa would be more able to keep him safe.

Inko had told him that Shouta was an underground hero with the name Eraserhead. And plus his husband Hizashi Yamada was the pro hero Present Mic and their son was going to try to get into UA to be a hero.

Izuku had lost his temper at his mom yelling mean things about his father that was never in his life to even be a father. Izuku was mad because even though he was in danger his mom never had to worry!

But now that he had to leave the gang couldn't watch her all the time. Half of the gang members were either in jail after being questioned by the police. And the other half was either badly injured or dead.

He couldn't just tell his mom he had lost so many friends to jail and death. So on top of being furious and worried, he was also sad. Right now he couldn't even mourn their deaths because he had to pack.

He was so confused he was glad that the plans lined up so he could actually move to Tokyo for the Tokyo gang and with his mom knowing where he was. So he didn't have to worry about his mom worrying where he was.

The right hand man that was going to be the leader for the red American dragons while Izuku was going to be the leader for their sister gang. Alex was holding a funeral the day the plane left for Japan. Izuku couldn't even make it to say goodbye to his only father figure he had ever had and his other family members.

The red American dragons were like on big family and always perfected each other with their lives. And now Izuku was leaving them. But he was glad he could keep in touch with each gang members to keep an eye on his mother.

So he very important plans to make sure they go smoothly. So after he left his house in a hurry, leaving his mother yelling at him that he was to hurt to move. Izuku texted her that he'd be back later after he calmed down. Inko looked at the text and let out a breath she was holding. Thank goodness he'd be back but she still worried for him.

Izuku texted Alex to pick him up at the location he had sent him. Soon enough Alex pulled up in a black sleek motorcycle. Alex had brown eyes and dyed bright pink hair that was styled in a faded buss cut, that showed off his miniature heart tattoo behind his ear.

Alex was covered in simple stick and poke tattoos. He wore a simple white T-shirt with blue skinny jeans and white air forces. Alex was the only one to come out of fight with just a black eye and a busted lip and bruises on his arms.

He parked by the side walk as Izuku climbed on the back of the motorcycle. They drove to their hideout that was a cafe but was a coverup for an underground hideout that was absolutely huge underground.

There was an a room full of Weapons, a gym for fighting, a room for the initiation to be apart of the gang. There was a nurses station for hurt gang members. There was also an upstairs that had two small bedrooms, a living room full of couches even though there was couches in the basement for beds.

The red American dragons took care of their homeless members, they had given them a place to live. The cafe was a huge cafe but it wasn't famous at all, it was quite underground for cafes. So the only ones who actually ate there was punks and few homeless adults who loved seeing kids eat with them without judgment of their homelessness.

Izuku announced that his mother would have someone guard her at their house. And someone would keep an eye on her wherever Inko went and not to be caught.

Because apparently she had contact with a pro hero as family in Japan. That that would lead to leads on the gang. So they couldn't be caught but most of the guards were friends of his friends.

So he doubted they would be caught and if they were to act non suspicious and be nice to Inko. After his announcements about Alex being the new leader and more announcements he left to visit Ashlyn and Xavier.

They met at the skatepark that they usually hung out at. After Izuku told them that he was leaving to go back to Japan to move into his dads. So his dad and his husband were pro heroes and could keep him "safe".

Like that would ever happen, Izuku was always getting in to trouble seeing as he was in high up in a gang. Ashlyn, Xavier and Izuku cried hugging each other promising to always keep in touch. Xavier and Ashlyn were worried that Izuku would be caught with his smoking, and drinking habits.

Izuku had told them that if his mom hadn't caught him then he'd doubt that Shouta and Hizashi would catch him. But deep down he was worried they would catch him in the act. So he decided to keep up his guard up all the time.

They spent all night at the skatepark drinking vodka and smoking joints that Alex rolled earlier for a parting gift to Izuku. They laughed and tried to skateboard with Xavier's old skateboard.

Which ended up with Izuku face planting on the ground as the skateboard rolled away from him. Izuku didn't feel anything due to him being so crossfaded, Ashlyn and Xavier had laughed until they cried.

After the high was gone they said goodbye and left for their houses. Izuku ran home and snuck back into his bedroom, he changed his clothes then brushed his teeth and went to bed. He knew his mom wouldn't be awake but couldn't take the chance of her hearing the front door opening in the middle of the night.

All weekend Izuku packed for moving, mostly it was just clothes, shoes, toiletries and stuff he had kept over the years with his friends. He would get more weed and alcohol when he arrived to Japan.

So he had told Alex earlier that day that when he left he'd have to sneak in through his bedroom window and take all his weed and alcohol and give it to the gang for a parting gift. Since he wouldn't be able to make it to the funeral.

On Monday Izuku left for Japan with all his friends and family behind in New York. Plus he was leaving behind his one and only love he'd ever have. She had died after his second year of middle school to police brutality, just because she was quirkless like him. Her name was Lynx and now he was leaving her too.

But he had to remember that she was always in his heart and in heaven watching over him.

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