Author's Note

289 19 17

Hii everyone,

I am short of words in explaining what I am feeling right more ranveer story ended so soon...I don't know what you all think about me but I am really fond of u doubt I get so much love from my favourite Raina people but....the much love I have got from you all is such a short time I feel belonged I wanna share's quit long but I want you all to read it....

I am a grade 10 student🙈🙊I might be much much younger to you all.

I have my board examination upcoming for which I have to study because these exams mean a lot....

For time being I have taken a short break from writing...I am not even gonna write my raina stories something I am addicted to....

I would get back soon after my exams are over. I promise to never stop writing Raina and RanVeer stories until and unless you guys keep supporting me !

I keep reading your comments but due to shortage of time i am not able to reply to them.

I am sorry for taking this break guys but I think it's important...people from Raina fd have supported me a I have been so very irregular for last 8 months and they have always kept supportive...motivating me for my studies and never leaving my side....I am so so very grateful to them....I want the same support and love from you all.

I will always be a msg away if ever you feel like talking....I am very supportive towards mental wellbeing and what I feel is that talking or venting out your thoughts is most important. If ever you feel to talk to anyone share anything without the fear of being judged remember I am here no matter what exam I may can reach me through

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•Instagram DM (@kikaberry1011)
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Last thing which is wanted to talk about is.....I'd like to suggest you to read raina ffs....this way you'd get a new fandom to read and also you won't miss out on the stories. Just give it a chance not because I am saying but only if you'll wonder how i am so mad about raina....well today I'll share the reason with you

Rajveer Naina are two fictional characters who have amazed me forever....I remember my mum used to watch Left Right Left when I was in grade 4 and from then I am so amazed by them. During the lockdown when I came on wattpad I really had no clue about what to read except for on fanfiction of Ranbir Prachi....I don't follow that fd now but would be grateful to it that it introduced me to this fabulous community. So while surfing for something to read I decided to look for Left Right Left ffs...and you won't believe I found a show which used to air in 2006 has its own splendid Fandom even after almost 1½ decade with over 400+ stories and is still counting....and from then started my journey as a Raina lover. Earlier I used to like them as a pair but as I got to know their story the more affectionate and more loving I got towards them.

Imagine what person would keep his career at stack to prove his best friend innocent or to protect his deceased best friend's sister without asking for anything in return. Live a life in guilt just for freeing his friend from a torturous life....we all have seen many movies or incidents where a prrson goes to any extend to get the other person love him but here raj e'er didn't do anything....silently kept punishing himself for loving his best friend's sister...never confessed his love till his last breadth...And apart from it the series shows hardcore dedication for the motherland by the Indian army or anyone in the defense actually shows an another world....that's what gets me so so loving for Raina....or for Left Right Left to be accurate....

The talks which I have shared with you all I have never ever shared with anyone.....truly...

Please dont forget that I am always here to listen whatever you want to share even if it's critics about  me....I don't mind....just be peacefully and happy

See you guyzzz
Love you loads ❤


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