The Best Birthday Ever

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Hope let out a little sniffle as she whipped away a tear that was streaming down her face. She had just turned 5 and today was the day of her birthday party. She had been so excited earlier that morning, practically bouncing of the walls. When she entered the old mill hidden in the woods she was so confused as to where everyone else was,did she write the invitations wrong? Was she too early or was she too late and everyone else had already left? She had no clue so she decided she would wait,hoping someone would come,but they never did. And after two hours Hope just let it all out,crying and crying till her face was red and her throat was dry. She was about to leave and go back to her dorm and just fall asleep hoping to forget this day ever existed till she heard a soft voice speaking from behind her.

"What are you doing here? Why are you all alone?" A girl whose hair was a silky honey blond braid into a little crown at the top. Her light pink dress swaying just ever so slightly in the cool winter breeze. She looked around Hope's age,maybe even a bit younger. Her soft baby blue eyes staring at her with curiosity,waiting for her to answer. Hope just stared at the girl. "Whose birthday party is it? And where are all the guest!" The girl said,looking at the sign hanging of Hope's head which read "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" "It's mine,it's my birthday party ." Hope answered.

The blonde girl looked at Hope with sympathy in her eyes,walked up to her and gave her a nice warm tight hug. It made Hope fell safe and happy,the girl made her fell safe and happy. "So what do you want to do first?" The girl asked Hope as she let go of her. "We could go on the jumping castle." The girl continued on,pointing to the palace shaped jumping castle that lay a few meters away from the mill. "Or we could go on the zip line thingy.Or or we could go eat so lollies!!!!" The girl practically shouted,already looking like she had a sugar rush.

Hope looked at the girl,still confused that she would want to hang out with her. She knew what some of the their kids said,she knew people thought she was a monster,just like her dad,they would say. "You want to hang out with me?" Hope asked still insecure about anyone every liking her. "Why wouldn't I? You have this cool birthday party and you don't seem like a bae person at all." "Ok then,um,how about we go on the zip line?" "Ok,I'll race you!" The blonde answered already on her way to the stairs that led to the second floor of the mill where a zip line was placed,leading all the way out of the mill. "Wait you didn't tell me your name!" Hope shouted trying to catch up to the girl. She eventually made it to the top where the other girl was already sitting on the zip line. "Elizabeth,but everyone just calls me Lizzie. What about you? What's your name?" The girl who's name was supposedly Lizzie answered. "Hope,Hope mikaelson." "Wait really! Isn't your family like super old and cool!" "Yeah i guess." Hope answered shrugging how shoulders. "Wow,that's, so cool!" "You think so?" Hope was surprised,everyone usually ran when they neared she was a Mikaelson or they would say how her family was a monster which meant she was also a monster. "Anyone who isn't dumb would think so." Lizzie answered with a slight chuckle. "Push me down?" "Sure!" Hope replied stepping back so she could run and push Lizzie.

Lizzie's laughter filled the whole mill as she flew done the zip line,eventually landing on a little platform that hung from out of the mill. "Now it's your turn!" Lizzie shouted so Hope could hear. Hope clicked herself in and pushed of the platform flying through the mill eventually ending up running straight into Lizzie and bumping her over.

She quickly unbuckled herself and ran to help Lizzie,afraid she wouldn't want to hang with her but to her surprise Lizzie just laughed. "Oh my god you hit,I think I'm gonna die." Lizzie said dramatically. Hope playfully hit her arm. "Oh you have to get me to a hospital quick or better yet give me lollies and chocolate,that will definitely fix it." Lizzie said still continuing with her act of being hurt. Hope helped Lizzie up and gave her a roll of her eyes,just like any mikaelson would.

They made their way to the food table. Chips,lollies,chocolates and biscuits of different types covered the table,with some sofas in an esky down by the end of the table. "So what do you think will cure it?" Hope asked playing along with Lizzie's act. "Oh I have no idea,so we better just them all." And that is exactly what they did,they had everything from choc chip cookies to coconut chocolate. And in just a matter of minutes the girls were stuffed with a super hype 100% being in the near future.

"So does the princess feel better now?" "Oh most definitely." Lizzie said while rubbing her tummy in a circle. "But you do know that you are like an actual princess and not like you know, "it's your birthday so your the princess," you are a real princess." This made Hope chuckle,she never knew someone could care so much about the fact she was princess,well except for her family,mostly her dad,but Lizzie had seem to prove her wrong.

After sitting around for a bit and talking the girls decided to do so more activities starting with the jumping pillow. They each took turns doing tricks and flips. And once they were over the jumping castle they played some party games,just the two of them,games such as,pass the parcel,pin the tail on the donkey,etc.

It was now sunset and the girls were sitting on a platform on the second floor,watching as the sky changed for blue to pick to orange to yellow, even a bit of red was in the mix,and eventually landing on a dark sapphire blue. The girls stared at the stars,talking every now and again to each other. "So why were you even in the woods?" Hope asked Lizzie curious to know the answer. Lizzie looked to Hope and then down to her lap. "Hey you can tell me,I won't judge." Hope reassured Lizzie. "You promise you won't tell anyone?" Lizzie asked looking straight into her her eyes. "Pinky promise." Hope held out her pinky. Lizzie smiled and wrapped her pinky around Hope's. "I don't usually tell anyone this but sometimes,I don't know I just freak out,it's like a wave of emotion is crashing down on me. I try to come out for air,but I just can't,I'm trapped. So I run to the woods,were i know nobody is,well nobody usually is,and I just let it all out,I scream as loud as I can,sometimes it works,other times it doesn't."

Hope have the blonde a tight hug. "You didn't seem like that when you came up to me earlier?" Hope asked,a bit confused. " I saw someone alone and sad,I knew what that felt like,i also know what it feels like when you just want someone to give you a hug and tell you it's ok and make you feel better. So I guess that kinda took over." Hope knew straight away from that sentence that she loved Lizzie,not romantically,at least no yet,but as a person.Lizzie had helped someone in need and comforted them even though she was the one who truely needed to be comforted. "If it every happens again,just know I'll always be there to help you." "Thank you Hope,that means a lot. It's getting pretty late,do you think we should head back?" "Yeah lets."

The girls were now at Lizzie's dorm room. "Thank you for the amazing day Lizzie,I don't think I can ever thank you enough." "It was my pleasure Mikaelson. Hey tomorrow do you maybe want to sit and eat lunch with me?" "I would love to. Good night Lizzie." "Goodnight Hope." That night both  Hope and Lizzie went to bed with smiles on their faces,excited to see each other the next day.

I hope you guys liked it,it was my first ever one-shot so it's not gonna be perfect,but hey I tried. If any of you have some ideas please let me know and I'll try to write them.🙃

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