MEETING: Joseph Seed:

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TRIGGER NOTES: This story contains moments of heavy religious talk and cult talk. If any of these things may trigger you I would highly suggest not reading this story.

Pre-story background: Y/N is heading to Sunday Church for the first time in Fall's End. But what they don't know is that they will meet the one they have been searching for their entire lives. Joseph Seed, the Father.

Hope County Montana, the hidden jewel in the Treasure State. It was a peaceful, quiet place away from the bustling factory that was the United States. Life just always felt like it was at a better pace here. Away from all the politics, commotion, terror. Hope County stood away as just a place where people went to work, socialized, and went back home and slept easy. Y/N had lived in Hope County for three years now, and they never regretted coming here since day one. What was once a life of just nine-to-five office cubicle madness was now just a simple life on a farm in the Holland Valley.

Y/N was making their way to Fall's End for Sunday Church. Pastor Jerome was a very well-respected man in Holland Valley, with many of the Church's members even coming from as far as the Whitetail Mountains to hear his word. Hope County was not too short of believers, but Pastor Jerome was looking for more. More organization, a direct path for followers of God to take. So they could have a newfound purpose in life, and work for His Glory. Y/N admired it, and though they were not much of a believer themselves, they wanted to give it a shot nonetheless. Y/N had only heard great things from others about the Pastor and they were excited to see what he had to say about someone they had never given much chance to in life, God.

Y/N had just arrived, it was 10:15 in the morning on a September day. Y/N was mostly used to a very cold September that living on the eastern seaboard of the US usually brought. But here in Hope County, it is a cool 65 degrees with a mild amount of humidity in the air. Y/N got out of their car and headed for the Church. The white painted chapel stood a bit further away from the small little town of Fall's End, right at the north end. It was nothing big, maybe it could hold thirty people tops, but it was still one of the most beautiful buildings in Hope County. Y/N walked up the concrete steps, the doors were wide open and a decent gathering had already flocked its way into the church. And that is when they met him.

He had gray jeans on, a belt with a very odd-looking cross adorned to it. He wore a classic white button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up just below his elbows, with a black leather vest that resembled a blazer. He wore yellow aviators, even indoors, despite how stupid that sounds. He had long hair that was tied up in a man bun and a clean beard. Y/N saw him before anyone else. There were many people in the church but it was as if this one man was the center of it all, despite no one paying much attention to him. The man locked eyes with Y/N, and time seemed to come to a crawl. The man looked at them and gave them a sweet smile. Y/N walked towards the man but just as they were about to greet him, Pastor Jerome took the attention of the congregation. Service had just begun.

Pastor Jerome talked for a long time, there were a couple of gospel songs that Y/N had to read the pastor's lips in order to sing along with. But things were going relatively okay. Y/N could see the appeal of what was being said but ultimately they weren't really sure if this was the best thing for them. There were only a couple of minutes left in the sermon, Y/N was sitting in the back row, and was thinking about maybe just leaving before it ended when there was a new speaker called up to the podium.

"This man has dedicated himself to the Lord, he has turned his life around, and is an example to be followed. So please, lend your ears our brother, Joseph".

A man walked up to the podium, the man was the one Y/N had seen when they first entered the church. Joseph was his name, and he got behind the podium and began. Y/N wanted to leave but Joseph took his breath away when they first entered and was very interested to hear what he had to say.

Joseph began his speech like many gospel speeches before it. Y/N very quickly became disinterested in the entire thing and thought to themselves that maybe it was just a weird moment when the two saw each other. But then Joseph switched his tone, his demeanor changed drastically. First, it was typical gospel sorrow, now it was righteous tenacity. The talk of a collapse, that the world was crumbling around us. That we were looking for someone to lead them to safety. It all made sense to them. Hope County felt like the last battleground in a burning world. Everywhere where Y/N had been before, it was filled with crime, poverty, despair. Y/N continued to listen, even as Pastor Jerome tried to interject and stop Joseph. Y/N could only hear Joseph. Joseph finally said there was someone that could help them. He could lead them to a paradise, he called himself 'Father'.

"Church is dismissed, have a blessed day," Pastor Jerome said, looking angry, as he stormed out of the church. The congregation murmured to themselves as they slowly exited the chapel. But Y/N stayed seated, and Joseph stayed standing in front of the podium. They locked eyes with each other again. Y/N got up and slowly but confidently walked over to Joseph. It felt as if they were being pulled in. Y/N stopped in front of Joseph and smiled at him.

"That was an amazing speech Joseph, I really felt like you were talking to me, I wish others could see what more your speech had to offer," Y/N said to Joseph in a calm but excited tone. Joseph smiled back at Y/N.

"My Child, you are already going against the grain that Man has given you in life. You are opening your eyes to something greater, I see the greater path. I see it, I would love to have you become my first disciple in finding this place." Joseph said softly to Y/N. Joseph placed his hands on Y/N's cheeks. He leaned over to them and kissed them softly on the forehead and smiled.

"I will not let anyone hurt you, my child, this journey will be tough, it will take hardship. You will face God's trials, but I know that you will be strong in your commitment to God's plan for you. I am so happy I have met you. God's plan is not always clear, but it is always good, and I am happy God has led me to you."

Joseph's words struck deep into Y/N. It felt like they had met another true parent from birth. In fact, it felt like they were being born again into a better life. Y/N didn't have much to say to Joseph, they were just starstruck by him. Joseph took Y/N's hands and held it firmly with love.

"Come, my child, come to the river in the Henbane with me, I will cleanse you and we can begin our Journey, Together."

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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