first day of school

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Bepp bepp I heard a bus "tiff tiff" my mom said the school bus is hear. I ran to the bath room washed my face, washed my mouth."Tiff I can help "said mom. "Really" I said ."Yes let me do a spell I can fix this"mom said with the wave of her hand mom turned me from aww to woo."Thank you thank you mom".I said your welcome hurry your going to miss your bus ok ."I love you mom" I said with a kiss on the cheek. My mom stop my brother and gave him something but I didn't stop to ask what it was , when I got on the bus I saw my best friend toby ."Hey I said how are you doing wait what are you doing here".He said hey tiff how are you,I replied you didn't answer my question ."Look I'm sorry I didn't tell you because my dad said no one should know .It is a family secret.
As the bus driver shouted and said sit down!I asked Toby if I could sit next to him."Sure" he replied as I was watching my brother trying to empress a girl with no time to liestin to him , I smiled I glaned out the window while my mom was waving her hand good bye, I kissed my hand and smiled good bye.Before I blinked I was at this huge place that was unbelievable it was so beautiful it was glowing with white lights.
As I walked in The school this girl with great hair walked towards me "oh no" Toby replied ,"what" "that's Rilly the meanest witch around the girl on her right is Sandra the trouble maker the other one on her left is samanta the smart one together there the most popular girls at school"." Thanks for that brief detail but they can't be that bad" I said . Relly walked towards me I didn't know what to say move out my way you stupid witch .She waved her hand and zapped me into a water fountain.
"Oh I'm sorry but you were in my way" .I said I would be calm but this is fountain water "aww" I said to my self quitly .while a muscled hand reaching out to pull me out the fountain."hey my name Jacob" he said "am " I couldn't even say a word he had dark hair hazel eyes he was tall and handsome ."hey it's ok I don't need to know your name just glad to help." I shouted my name is tiff as he turned his back to walk away .

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