introduction/band class📯🎷🥁🎺💯

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Soo even tho I'm a trumpet player I've heard many GOOD things about Abigail. sooo my friend gave me inspiration to write a story about the rrly good drummer Abigail so yea. This is my first story soo don't judge my Grammer and my writing skills.
So we were in band practicing for the parade when we hear a huge laugh from the drum line. We turn around and Abigail and Grayson,Maggie and Miah were all laughing. So mr.fite stopped the practice and yelled at the drummers to shut tf up.So then practice resumed and we finally finished the music and we got free time the rest of the class.
When we were told we had free time the rest of the class the drummers disappeared and I texted Maggie but she didn't answer me so I asked her bf but he didn't know. So when band class ended the drummer's mysteriously appeared again.So when we went to our next class I asked Maggie where the drummer's went she said "don't worry about it". So I went on the whole day wondering where they went to. So the  next free day (which is friday) I secretly spied on them Friday and I found out they go to the storage room.
So I followed Maggie and scared the shit out of the drummers and then I was like heyyy yall wyd in here.and they invited me to chill with them and then me and the drummers became great friends.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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