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Have you ever loved so much, you would kill?

I have.

I was walking home from work one day and I accidentally walked into her. I insisted I make it up to her and I took her to dinner. She was amazing. She was smart, funny, gorgeous and a proper lady. She was perfect... She was everything I could ever want.

We saw each other a few times after that before she told me about him. Her fiancé. He was everything her parents could want in a match for their daughter. When she talked about him, it was clear she didn't care about him. But, when she looked into my eyes...

I knew she wanted me. Of that, I had no doubts. However, she didn't want to let her parents down. She made it clear to me she'd do what her parents wanted. We started spending more and more time together and we started seeing each other. She told me she loved me the night before her wedding. "It's not him I want. It's you. I love you."  I had never felt as happy as I did then. At that moment, I knew I had to do whatever it took to make her happy.

I know I'm not the only person who has ever felt this way about someone. I know that you probably felt this way at some point. But, how far would you go for those you love? What would you be willing to do to make them happy? I'd do anything.

So, I'll ask you again and I wonder if your answer has changed...

Have you ever loved so much, you would kill?

After she told me she loved me, I realised how unhappy she would be if she went through with the marriage. I needed to find a way to give her what she wanted.

So, I left and visited her fiancé. I talked to him but he made it clear that he didn't care about her happiness. "She is nothing but a woman. She will marry me tomorrow, quit her job and be the mother of my children. Whether she likes it or not." He then smirked at me. "I will do with her as I please." He continued to talk about how he would use her as his trophy wife and broodmare. I tried to stay in control of my anger but I couldn't stand the blatant cruelty of his words. I took out the pocket knife I always carry around and I stabbed him in his stomach. He looked shocked at what I did. "Why?"

"I love her." He smirked at me as his blood started to drip on the floor.

"She will be mine, not yours." He mentioned how he'd parade her around his friends and I stabbed him several more times. He fell to the floor. "She could never love a monster like you," he said before I saw the light leave his eyes.

I'll ask you one final time...

Have you ever loved so much, you would kill?

Her Love, His Lifeless EyesWhere stories live. Discover now