A Guest

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The clocked swayed back and forth always making a clicking tapping sound the old shop keeper had gotten used to this sound and sometimes would Tap along with the clicking with the chair they sat in when the old cotton was bored. but today it just seemed to drive him a little off the edge, what were they forgetting? Was there thought "i know something is importuned today but what can it be" The cat mumbled to themselves; Someone was visiting they knew but ...

the silly silly cat had forgotten.

How silly to forget a face or a name, but it's not their fault they haven't seen this visitor's face before, they always came by to chat or bey something from this little shop but never had they've seen their face or get a name.

Well, until the lighteners showed up the cat had herd something someone had guided the lighteners on their journey to seal the fountain.

the cat was starting to remember who was coming to the shop a prince they remember; a lonely one, in hearing from whispers in fact

the queen had suggested the prince and them to hang out and talk whatevs (her words not them) and seam had agreed to this for company was good and it was sometimes lonely for the cat in this little shop that seemed to big at some views at times

most the time though seam would just rest for a whole day or half of it when there was no one around to buy, one problem the shopkeeper had was the name of this prince.

"Now if only i can just remember-

"hello?", went a voice 

seam jumped up with a grin and hit their fist on the table as it clicked for them 

" PRINCE RALSEI", they cried out.

"eep!" went the prince sacred as he went and hide his head under his green poncho and felled on his feet and tumbled on his scarf,

Seam had gotten up from there chair fast from behind the counter to help the prince "i apologize' i did not mean to frighten you" they said in worry, as ralsei was getting back up and brushing themselves off "it quite alright, just a heads-up next time would be helpful", seam chuckled at the prince words.

"Now that i see your fine, how about i go and make us some tea to settle" the old cotton proposed, as they were walking past the prince starting to ramble something either to the prince or themselves get the kettle that seemed to be on the shelves, while cat was trying to get their claws on the kettle, ralsei notice seam had accidently pushed off a book from the shelve and other thing like trinket and Pepples. 

seam had seemed to notice too but pay no mine to pick it up yet, for they were a little busy rambling and trying to reach the top shelve 

"may i help- "no" seam butted 

"But i insist"  ralsei went over to seam to pick up the things he left on it, but before he even reacted, seam went down and snatched the book and others before ralsei could touch anything and threw them back up on the shelves as if it never fell off.

"No" they said in low and had floofed up a bit with there tall now sticking up, their eyes showed anger and maybe and little sad? they prince thought   

"Apologizes, i don't know where that had come from me," they chuckled "how bout you go make yourself at home dear prince I'll go and bring it at the table how does that sound " they sighed 

"Sounds good, don't suppose if you have time we can discuss about baking " he coughed at the end "because i'v herd you also like baking and was wondering maybe..." he soften little by little, seam found this amusing and funny at the boy's attempts and chuckled "hahaha well of course we can discuss about baking latter" seam had laughed and pated ralsei's shoulder to steady themselves from laughing too much.

" i better go, the kettles not going fall off itself " seam had chuckled and smiled again as he went and walked away back to what they were doing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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