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'Something weird was going on with Caroline and Dad.' Lexi couldn't help but think as she watched her father cleaning up from dinner. He was seemed to be normal now but earlier when he got home from work, he acted like a stranger with Caroline. And Caroline acted the same way. Most of the time when her dad came home and Caroline was cooking, he would go into the kitchen with her and talk. When dinner was ready the four of them would sit down and talk about their day. Then sometimes afterwards Caroline would hang out with them and have fun.

But over the last couple of days, they acted like they didn't like each other. In the mornings, Caroline would move around the kitchen getting breakfast ready and their lunches packed while her dad just sat at the table with them. And when he got home, Caroline would just finish what she was doing before she would go up to her bedroom or leave the house completely. When they did talk, Daddy's voice sounded like it did when he was upset and trying to not to yell at them and Caroline didn't smile. And Caroline smiled a lot.

"Daddy? Do you need any more help?" Lexi asked him politely. She had already helped him clear off the table and stuff and didn't think there was anything else. But if she wanted to leave the kitchen, she knew she had to ask.

"No, sweetheart, I'm just about finished. You can go and play for a little bit before bed."

Lexi nodded before she got up and went searching for Henry. She needed to talk to him. She found him in his room reading a book. She shut the door so no one would hear them before she plopped down next to her twin. When he didn't look away from his book, she poked him. "Henry…"

But he didn't do anything, he just kept reading so she poked him again. "Henry…"

After she poked him again, she grabbed his book to get his attention. "Henry!"

"Hey!" Her brother protested as his book was ripped away from him. Lexi could be such a mean brat when she didn't get attention. "Give it back."

Lexi closed his book, before tossing it behind her so that he couldn't get it without going through her. That way she knew he would pay attention. "You can read later. We need to talk, it's serious."

"What?" Henry growled, not happy that she was interrupting him.

"Dad and Caroline."

"Why?" Henry asked confused. "I thought Caroline went out."

"She did." Lexi huffed. "That's what's wrong. She left. She usually eats dinner with us and stuff."

"Not always." Henry responded. Caroline usually did stay around after dinner and spend time with them but there were times when she went out with her friends no matter how much they begged her to stay. He had even spilled his milk on her once to try and get her to stay but it hadn't worked. She had just changed and then left. Maybe he needed to try something else.

"No but a lot." Lexi retorted. "Caroline and Dad aren't talking to each other. Like at all."

"Are they mad at each other? Cause you know when Caroline gets mad, she gets quiet. It's kind of scary, scarier than when Dad is mad. Dad at least talks to you and you know why he's mad. Caroline is quiet and you don't know what she's thinking." Henry stated truthfully. It was true, when their dad got upset with them, his face got real serious and his voice got deep which could be scary, but Caroline would just look at them and not say anything. Sometimes that was worse than being yelled at.

The Only Hope For Me Is You: A Klaroline FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now