The only part to this

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 A late summer breeze fills the air as people enjoy the last few days of summer. The trees still green and swaying in the wind. Underneath a tree, sat Shadow and Eclipse on a bench, ice cream in hand. Shadow ate his chocolate and cherry ice cream in silence, not making eye contact with the other. Eclipse did the same. They were originally there for a peace meeting, however things turned very awkward.

Softly sighing, Shadow knew somebody had to break this silence. "Eclipse..." The alien turns to look at his relative, a quarter of a block of orange and white ice cream on a stick in his mouth. "I... Am sorry about what happened... On the New Black Comet, with Black Death, and the rest of the Black Arm," the ebony hedgehog said.

"I'm aware..." Eclipse glumly said, his eyes locked to the ground and mouth full of ice cream. "It was Rouge that helped me realize that I became those whom took everything away from me. I was a big butt that day," Shadow finished, smiling at the last part. That made the young Black Arm giggle a little.

"It's true. When you and the rest of the soldiers boarded the comet, I thought this was my time to prove how useful I was to the colony. But when Death's Eye dragged me to a shuttle, and I watched the Black Comet explode, and his eye became inactive; that was it. I failed to be of any use, I have failed to keep the Black Arms safe, and I lost my home because I never stayed fighting up there till I was shot and killed, or have driven the GUN soldiers off," Eclipse monologues, the ounce of happiness draining from his face as he tears up, "The Dark Arms and I barely survived the fall to this planet, and only four are survivors. I wanted the Master Emerald to enact revenge upon you, but when you have beaten me that second time I had no one to blame except myself for thinking I could be as strong as you. My purpose in life was to defeat you, and I have failed at that!" At this point Eclipse's face was a waterfall.

For once, Shadow actually felt some form of pitty. Eclipse was someone that he related to, even though he is the reason why. The ebony hedgehog patted his back in reassurance. "There is no need to blame yourself. I also could have kept this planet safe from another invasion if we just talked and reached an agreement. However I just picked up a gun and started shooting with little remorse for the Black Arms who were living beings just like the rest of us. That is my flaw, my imperfection, just immediately turning to violence to solve my problems. Your's is forcing yourself to reach unrealistic expectations set by others and yourself, which lead to mass amounts of disappointment in yourself because you gave it your all yet never reached the bar," Shadow paused, trying to gulp down his almost melted treat. The pale purple alien already licked the stick bare and was just fidgeting with it.

When Shadow got his ice cream to a point where it won't melt all over his hand, and Eclipse moved closer, almost leaning on his relative, he continued, "Nobody is perfect. It doesn't matter how many times Black Doom said the Black Arms are a perfect species." "That makes me think his flaw is being full of himself constantly," Eclipse smiled. Shadow laughs at the comment, "He really is! Still, it is more my fault than it will ever be yours."

"Thank you, Shadow."

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