Chapter 9: A Joke With or Without Milk?

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Hey guys! You don't know how much trouble I was put in to write this, but I have good news! I got over my writer's block so I might be updating more often until I come to an end of my inspiration. Well, here goes nothing!


Len walked around aimlessly in the halls of his school. The endless tan corridor wasn't filled with many students yet because it was still kind of early. He wasn't heading to class, but he decided to look around.

"Hey Len!" a familiar voice called. Len looked up to see Rana running up to him, holding up a slip of paper.

"Huh?" he said. As she got closer, he could see that the paper wasn't very big and it was green and white. Rana stopped in front of him and waved it in his face and he saw it didn't only have green and white, but a little bit of blue too.

"Guess what this is!!" she said excitedly. Why is she so happy about a piece of paper? Len wondered.

"Um.... A piece of paper..?" He asked as if she was asking what 'this wheel looking thing' was when it was an actual wheel.

"No silly! It's a ticket for Hastune Miku's concert on Friday! I was wondering if maybe you might join Rin, Gumi and I if they can make it." She said, blushing a little at the end, "I know it's weird for a girl to ask a guy to join her and her friends on an event and all, but I-I thought you might want to go." Now she was really blushing hard of embarrassment and awkwardness, but Len didn't seem to notice.

"Hmm..." Len said, slightly looking up, "I've never gone to one of her concerts before... I'll see if I can arrange my schedule," He said with a smile beginning to form.


Len looked around at lunch. A few kids sat around in groups in the class, but he sat alone in the middle of it. He sighed and lifted the lid of his bento box, revealing a bunch of rice, two bananas and some green beans. He paused and said,

"Hey, you're late." He turned around to see Rin in the doorway, holding her bento box, and the others behind her.

"H-how did you know we were here?" Rana asked, surprised, "We didn't make a sound!" She wasn't lying, either. Not even footsteps or breaths were heard from the group of girls.

"I had a feeling," he said with a shrug and made room for the girls to sit by him. The girls opened their bento boxes and started to eat with Len.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Rana cried, "Gumi! Rin! Are you busy this Friday?!" Rin swallowed the piece of orange that was in her mouth and said,

"I think I am..." Gumi thought for a moment then replied,

"Well, it depends how much homework we get... I like doing all the homework we have for the weekend on Friday nights so I can relax for the rest of it," Gumi said, "Why?" Meanwhile, Len was stuffing his mouth full of rice like he only had five seconds left to eat for the rest of his life.

"Well, I wanted you guys to come with me to Miku's concert. I was going to ask you earlier, but I totally forgot! Oh yeah, I invited Len too." Rana said, looking at Len who was still eating rice really fast.

"Huh?" he said, looking up.

"Len weren't you listening?" Rin said with a laugh. Rana started to chug down her milk.

"W-what? Of course I was... You were talking about... um... clothes..?" He answered uncertainly. Rana spit out her milk all over Len, bursting out laughing. Rin, who was about to put some chicken curry in her mouth, threw her hand over her mouth attempting to muffle her laugh.

"Rana..!" Gumi said, bursting out laughing, also. she fell on the floor, holding her stomach. Len frowned, but couldn't help but to laugh along.

"Ewwwww Rana!!" He cried in between laughs, "Why'd you do that??" He threw his head back and laughed harder.

"Len, we were talking about the concert, not clothes, silly!" Rana laughed. The other kids in the class looked at them strangely as if they were laughing at the stupidest joke ever made on the planet.

After they finally stopped laughing, Rana took out of her bag three tickets to the concert.

"Here guys," she said, handing each of them one, "Here's the tickets, don't loose them or display them, you know how some fans are these days," Len stuffed his in his left pants pocket, Gumi stuffed hers in her bag and Rin put hers in her back right pocket.

"Thanks Rana!" Rin and Len said at the same time with identical smiles. They looked at each other and laughed a little more.


Haha just a note, it's monday in the story and the concert is this Friday so only four days away! Also, the picture is a ticket to one of Miku's concerts- the One back in 2011 I think. Happy belated Easter everyone!

Edit: Me and my brother are having a war over the laptop I use to type these things out, but I'll try my best to win, okay?

Another edit: well, I don't like the idea of Author's notes, so I'm putting another update on here. So, it's as if my family sees me just about to write and says "Okay, I need the laptop." I was literally just about to write when my dad just took the laptop to work just to listen to sports or something and he probably won't be home for 4 hours if I'm lucky... So yeah. The next update has a 90% chance of being late. (I'm writing this note on my IPod if you're wondering)

The Mirror's Song (vocaloid)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon