Chapter 1

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"Chat Noir, is it true that you and Ladybug are dating?" A reporter asked after the Glaciator battle. Chat awkwardly smiled at the camera.

How did he respond to that?

Before he'd respond that he loves her dearly and is waiting for the day she'd return his love, not that he'd force her or anything but a guy can dream. Now, though, he was at a loss for words. Ladybug was fuming and he didn't want to upset her any more than this and if he just denied their claims they wouldn't believe him. The duo had been telling people for nearly a year now that they weren't an item but people refused to listen.

So he did what any normal person would do.

"I'm actually dating Adrien Agreste!" He blurted out.

Okay... maybe not a normal person.


Was the very surprised scream coming from everyone nearby, including his Lady.

"Ummm... yeah... we've been dating for a couple weeks now..." he awkwardly added on, giving others more details to be more believable. In the outside he maintained a smile, even if it was an extremely awkward looking one, on the inside he was mentally kicking himself.

'Whyyyyyy?' He silently screamed. 'Why did I have to say that!?!?'

"Y-you and A-Adrien... like dating... you and Adrien?" Ladybug stuttered in shock. Yup, he has never wanted so badly for Ladybug to throw him across the city. At least that way he'd be away from all the reporters he was currently spilling his love life to. Never mind the fact he just told the world he was dating himself.

"Yup! We've been keeping it a secret so far but I think we're getting serious now," well he was in the hole, might as well keep digging. He smiled brightly at everyone. "Honestly our love is so strong! I bet we could even defeat Shadowmoth if we worked together! Just kidding LB is the best partner a guy could have," thankfully at this point his ring started to beep. "Well, now that the cats out the bag, I've got to run," he waved before anyone else could reply.

Adrien collapsed onto his bed and started screaming into a pillow.

Unfortunately that only lasted a couple of seconds before there was a knock on his door.

It was no doubt a reminder and lecture about the horrible mistake he just made. And right on cue Nathalie walked in. Yup, here it comes.

"Adrien, you're father wants to see you," she said in her usual emotionless voice. Oh no. This was such a bad mistake that even his father is involved. When Gabriel get involved personally that's when Adrien knows that he's really screwed up.

"Y-yes, thank you Nathalie," he forced a smile and began to walk towards his father's office as slowly as possible. The feeling of Nathalie watching him soon made him pick up the pace though and he was outside his fathers door too quickly. He had no idea what to say!! "Father..." he trailed off. "Nathalie said you wanted to see me,"

"Come in," was the reply so Adrien opened the doors to see Gabriel staring at the tablet with an unreadable expression.

He didn't seem mad, but he didn't seem happy either.

Now Adrien was just confused.

"Is it true?" Was all Gabriel said but Adrien knew what he was talking about.

"Yes father," he replied, internally beating himself up. "I'm sorry for hiding it, however, I wasn't sure if you would approve,"

"I see," Gabriel took a step forwards and as much as Adrien wanted to start running away he held himself back. "You dating a superhero would bring a good image for the brand, but did it have to be that clown, why not Ladybug? Besides... why are you dating a... man, people might talk,"

Oh dear lord... Adrien's father was being homophobic!!

Adrien didn't know what to say to that, sure it's not like he was actually dating a man but it's not like he'd be opposed to it, to be honest he's never really been bothered about gender. But here he was, his father asking why he was dating another man.

Gabriel Agreste may be many things, a world class designer, a (bad) parent and pretty cold but Adrien never knew about this.

"Father..." Adrien trailed off, trying to find the right words so he didn't come off as disrespectful. "Gender had nothing to do with love, nowadays people are free to love whoever they want," Gabriel nodded slightly still looking confused and concerned.

"For now, I'll allow it," was all Gabriel said in reply. Adrien took that as his cue to leave and he did, he then ran upstairs to his bedroom with a bright red face full of embarrassment.

"Oh my gosh! Plagg! That was so awkward!" He complained. Plagg being as helpful as always was just rolling around cackling at the poor sunshine boy's problems. "Stop laughing or no more Camembert!"

"Pfft! Adrien don't take out your anger on me, you're the one who decided to date yourself," Plagg was almost crying he was laughing so hard.

Adrien groaned, of course Plagg would be useless.

Marinette had stopped functioning. She somehow managed to make it home and detransform but she didn't remember how. Everything had been a blur since she heard the announcement.

Chat and Adrien were dating.

Adrien was dating Chat.

Her own partner was dating the love of her life.

"Tikki... what has my life come to," Marinette mumbled. Tikki looked concerned for Marinette but there was also this look of knowing which Marinette didn't notice since she was busy hating her life.

"I'm sorry Marinette," Tikki really was worried about her holder. "I'm sure it will be okay,"

"How can it be okay! Chat said they were getting serious! They'll get married, adopt tons of kids, have the hamster I always wanted and I'll live alone till I'm old and grey!" Marinette wailed in despair, imagining what the future will be like.

Tikki didn't know how to comfort her. It's not like she could tell her that Chat was Adrien. So instead she stayed silent and gave a hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2022 ⏰

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