Chapter 5

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There was one thing Dan still had to do before he went back to work and that was to visit his parents. He loved them to pieces and was really thankful for them, they were there for him when no one else was. "We'll come over by 6, mom" He said over the phone. "Alright we'll be waiting. And bring James too please" she said before hanging up. Another thing was that Dan's parents were also James' parents. They weren't Dan's biological parents though. When he was 11 his parents found out that he was gay, they were completely against it and threw him out with no where to go. James brought him to his place and his parents took him in without thinking twice. He still remembers what happened that night really well, and it still hurts him.

"What the hell is going on here Daniel!?" His father shouted. He had James over to play video games, but mostly to talk to him about something. Something had been bothering Dan for a while now, he found himself staring at boys all the time, he never experienced an attraction towards girls. It never actually bothered him until now. As James was his best friend and the only person he trusted, he wanted to talk to him about it, but he didn't know what to say and how to say it. It ended up with Dan kissing him, it wasn't that he wanted to kiss him, he didn't have any feelings for James they were nothing but best friends but he simply panicked in that moment. To make things worse this was the exact moment his mom and dad walked in. "I" He didn't know what to say, he knew he was in big trouble as his parents were completely against this and to make it worse he knew his best friend probably hates him now. "James I think you should leave. Now." Dan's mother said sternly glaring at the two boys, he hesitated as he was scared to leave Dan alone after what had happened. "Leave now!!" His dad shouted angrily so James did as he was told giving Dan a apologetic look. Dan had never been so terrified in his life, his dad shouted at him about how disgusted he is and how no son of his will be gay. "It isn't my choice Dad! Its who I am, I can't help it!" He shouted. "Daniel you're 11, you don't know anything about yourself right now" his mother added in. "I think I know really well about who I am and what I am!" He cried, his dad lifted his hand and slapped him hard across his face. "I want you to leave right this minute, you're no longer my son." He did as he was told. He ran outside to see James walking back towards his house "You came back.." He sobbed running to hug his friend. "I couldn't leave you alone with them I had to come back" he whispered keeping a hold on Dan who was crying. He decided to take him to his place and explained the entire situation to his parents and they happily took him, he even started calling them mom and dad.

And that was his story, it hurt him, what his birth parents did, but he had better parents who loved him for who he was. "It's good to see you Daniel its been so long" his dad smiled at him during dinner "And thank you for dragging your brother with you" his mom laughed looking at James. "I was going to come but I got so occupied I'm sorry mom" James apologized. "Well you're here now that's what's important" she smiled. "And how are you two doing?" His dad asked looking at Phil and Rachel. "Great! I'm still teaching at the university" Phil smiled "I've been busy with a few cases, but its good to get a break" Rachel said. It was great for Dan to have his entire family all together, its moments like this he waits for and looks forward to when he's at work.
"What's on your mind?" James asked sitting next to Dan who was sat alone after dinner. "I just remembered that night my birth parents threw me out and you brought me here and they took me in" he whispered. "I remember that, you even kissed me that day" James reminded him poking him in the ribs. "Don't remind me, that was so weird, I don't know what made me do that" Dan laughed "But you still came back when those people told you to leave" he added his tone getting softer. "Well I couldn't leave my best friend and brother behind" James smiled. Their parents stood behind them smiling at the sight of the two friends and brothers sharing a nice moment. "They sure have a great relationship" Phil whispered standing next to his parents. "I'm glad they have each other when they're away" his mom said softly. "Dan loves James a lot, he's always looking out for him he says he doesn't know what he'd do if anything ever happened to him" Phil told his parents. Which was true, the bond those two had was really strong, they were brothers and best friends and no one could ever come between them.

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