.424 past.

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The boy who's about to commit suicide..

But someone stop him,it's a girl a high school student.

The girl shouted and ask him why he's doing that and also ask her name.but the boy didn't replied and just stare at the girl, the girl was too stunned to speak and asked her again,boy what's your name and the boy finally replied and says 424.the girl was confused and says is that a name?,and the boy says yeah that's my name and he walked away from girl who saved his life.the girl was shocked and shouted hey your supposed to go with me at the police station,but the boy just keep on walking away.

The girl named Hana.
Hana came home and her mom ask her why you took so long We've been waiting,he replied sorry mom something came up,her mom ask what is it you look,Hana sister was came back home too her mother goes to kitchen and ready their dinner.

Hana can't sleep because he kept thinking of what happened.hes asking her self what's wrong with the boy the boy look too young to commit a suicide and he said never mind I already stopped him he asked her self again what if he do that again should I go there hmmm maybe he won't do that again ha! Why I didn't bring my phone to report it I'm an adiot.

(2 years Ago ) (424 past)
424 Was a good boy and he's also rich her mom was a doctor and her father was a nurse both of her parents were working at the same hospital.hes always going there when he have a free time they have a cute family he doesn't have any siblings that's why he treated her best friend as a brother.

He went to school,and he saw a bully bullying her best friend he went to bully's and said stop bullying my best friend and bring his money back you can't just bully someone and take their money but the bully just Lough and said what are you gonna do about it and who are you to tell me what to do Huh get lost if you want to be safe, but he didn't step back and leave her best friend he said why would I do that I can't let you and anyone bullied us your a student too your not adult so  I can fight back to you the bully's Lough and pushed him her best friend was scared and run and let her best friend 424 get beating up.

The class was over and it's time to go to their tutor 424 mom was worried because he can't see 424 he run into 424 teacher and her mom ask ma'am did you see 424 and the teacher said no I didn't see him in my class isn't he absent her mom get worried and said he's not home yet is he I think he didn't skip class he never did that and 424 best friend walked pass by 424 mom,424 mom  ask the boy Couse he know that it was her son's best friend but the boy nervously Lough and said no I didn't see him this morning sorry 424 mom was confused why did he Lough like that.

It's late night 424 was finally home her mom cried and Hug him and where are you this morning tell me you didn't skip class 424 cried and said mom I'm tired her mom looked at his face and finally notice her scar's and he touched his head it's so hot looks like he got a fever.

Her mom calls his father but the father says tomorrow I'll check him her mom says okay make sure to come your son is hmmm never mind we'll go there and give him a check up her mom cried.

424 doesn't want to eat he didn't says a single word and her door was locked her mom's knocking and said 424 please open the door and eat something we're going to my hospital and please talk to me I'm your mom.

It's morning and 424 was hungry he went to kitchen and find something to eat her mom saw him and smile,son do you want something what do you wanna eat he nod and said I just want some cereal and chocolate milk her mom give him her cereal and told him to get ready that they're going to hospital but he says no that he wanted to stay home and get rest his mom understand him and asked what happened and who did that it is really just an accident or your finally lying now tell me so I can help you I'm your mom not a stranger.

Her father was home drunk the girl nurse said he drunk a lot last night here let him rest and the nurse left.hes mom get mad because her husband choose to drink with his best friend over their own son 424 lost his appetite and goes to his room he shouted dad don't you dare talked to me.her mom understand him and pushed her husband she said I told you to come home but I didn't told you to come home late she said.

424 cried beside the wall in his mind what kind of family is this never had a Time for me Couse of his work and my study's now I'm injured he still doesn't give his Time for me and choose to drink instead now my best friend betrayed me and didn't tell mom about me getting bullied,I'm all alone no one cares about me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2022 ⏰

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