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The man wearing white and grey burst out of his seat to hug puffy he hugged her tightly and lifted her.. she looked rather uncomfortable although puffy hadn't really let people touch her, she didn't like it
The man in grey and white said excitedly as he let her go
"You smell of time?"
His face changed to a concerned face, bad observed all of what was happening while having
*Tick Tock* of the clocks ringing in his brain 'smell of time' bad wondered does time have a smell?, if it did then this room smelled just like it.
"Bad,, BAD"
Bad looked over out of his trance and saw that puffy and the stranger were staring at him
" I'm sorry "
Bad adjusted himself to face them
"Karl. This is bad"
(Bad) Puffy introduced me to the stranger his face was soft looking and his white eyes seemed to know all things I felt very comfortable around him he reached out his hand for a handshake, or so I thought

Karl reached for bad but not as a handshake like bad assumed Karl grabbed bads hand and pulled him in for a hug which caught bad off guard he couldn't decide on weather it was uncomfortable or not it was almost like no one was touching him like this Karl was made up of air alone when Karl finally released bad, bbh didn't know how long it had been...

bads eyes were sealed he couldn't open them, he dident know exactly where he was but he remained clam
"I hate this place"
He heard puffy say
"It's not too bad"
Karl spoke
"That's because you don't remember it as much as I do"
Suddenly bbh felt someone grab his sleeve and whisper ~there's stairs be careful~ bad was led gently by his sleeve.. he could still not open his eyes but he went down the stairs slowly he felt things brush against him they felt like vines, for a minute he thought that they may be in a jungle temple bad had also read about them in books and how they were very rare. Suddenly they stoped after awhile away from the stairs,, bad heard voices,,
They seemed to be in a different language bbh couldent understand
Said a voice it reminded bbh of his father
*this must be my distant relative that puffy was talking about* he thought to himself 
"Hello badhalo"
Spoke puffy, she sounded disgusted as-well as disappointed
"Hey bahD"
Karl said it was like he was talking to bad but he pronounced it differently  bad still didn't know why he couldn't open his eyes So he listened
"Who's this with you a fawn like me?"
Asked bahD
"That's none of your business,,, but we do need your help"
Puffy retaliated
"What's in if for me?"
Bad listened intently *why dose my relative sound so evil... why do I keep running into vines* suddenly bad was no longer calm about his eyes being sealed and he started to panic he pulled his arm away from the person leading him and began to pull at his eyes he was in pain he screamed all of the sudden his eyes were aloud open and he saw the floor when he looked up his eyes were red and Karl was there bad felt fear in his body but Karl's white eyes calmed him
Bad looked around and saw the vines they were red in fact the whole entire environment was red bad stood up from where he was and looked around and saw puffy talking with his ancestor bahD

Bad looked at his relative he reminded him of his father very much except with longer hair and his clothes consisted of black robes almost concealing his face entirely his eyes were solid white while bads were green he looks like some sort of royalty, dark angle prince he also noticed the large white wings that he possessed. Bad couldn't take his eyes off him
He whispered under his breath, puffy noticed that bad could see and that bahD was looking at him that they were looking at each other one had a more awefull look than the other
"Bad your eyes were sealed for a reason"
Puffy looked at bad and it seemed that he heard her
"Ohhhh so that why his eyes were closed,, I thought he was blind or something"
Said bahD with a chuckle
Puffy stepped in between the two relatives obstructing there vision of each other
"you dont have a right to talk to him bahD, we shall do our business quietly or not at all quite frankly I wouldn't like to but your the only one who can help"
bahDs face contorted into a are your serious sort of sour expression
"Why am I the only one who can help"
Puffy shifted
"Your not the only one but your our best bet"
Karl Chirped  ,bad stood still and listed,

"We know you know"

This sentence left puffys lips and it rung in the silence of the room for a moment there was nothing spoke, bahD hearing this nodded as if he knew they knew which was what they said and he knew it to be true, bads eyes closed he saw nothing heard nothing except

'Tick' 'tick' 'tick' 'tick' 'tick'

Bads head swelled with the sound of ticking his head felt like it warped like it was trying to burrow itself into his skull and then he hit something hard
Said a voice. Bads eyes flew open, he was laying in the snow in nothing but his work clothes it suddenly became plenty clear to him how cold it was, bad sat up,
"Hey mate! You alright?"
Bad turned over to the voice a blond man with a green hat and large black wings stared back at him with emerald eyes. Bad took a minute to observe this man before speaking
"Yeah I'm alright, a little cold"
As soon as bad had even mentioned he was cold the bird man took off his black cloak and put it around bads shoulders
"My house isn't far from here mate"
This stranger seemed filled with wisdom and kindness so bad when with him

(Sory if I have misspelled anything or missed words :3 hope u enjoyed lololol)

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