Dinosaurs A-Z

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Hey guys do I'm gonna do one part in first person and then try to stay in second the rest of the book. I guess I just hope you like it.

          Ok sooooooo I guess this is my introduction. So hi, I'm y/n y/l/n and this is my story. Well part of it anyway. I have two little siblings who I would do anything for, Sarah and Dominic. they are my #1 priority, and yes technically they are my half siblings but any siblings are full siblings in my book. Now my situation is a little complicated. I am everything a parent could want. Strait A student not even a parking ticket on my record. I have a couple friends but not much time to keep that up. I do sports and take care of my family. The thing is I don't have parents to want those things for me, well not really. My mom left a while ago and my dad has been paralyzed neck down for the past 4 years after he wrapped his car around a pole, he got some pretty bad brain damage too. He can talk but something got screwed up so he knows what he wants to say but he physically can't say it. Idk it's long and hard to pronounce. I get by but barely. It's a lot more than some people have so I try not to complain. Well thats all for now i think, I hope you enjoy the shit show that is my life.

Y/n y/l/n

(POV switch to second person)
          You had 25 minutes until practice and you had to hurry up since you had to get back to school to change. You opened the door of your dark blue 2013 Hyundai Elantra and gently set the styrofoam bowls of soup down on the passenger seat. You drove back to school with only 7 minutes until practice. By the time you changed and got down to the football field you were 3 minutes late and had to run 3 laps. You groaned as you coach gave a two finger solute to you. You finished and stretched while the other girls started to do shuttles and a couple other drills. You had been playing lacrosse since freshman year and got onto varsity halfway through sophomore. You didn't really understand it at first but it's actually pretty simple. You knew you should have a sport if you wanted any shot at a good collage and lacrosse had the least practice hours so, with the help of your counselor Linda or Mrs.Perkins you tried out and made the team.

After practice everyone circled up and talked about the game on Friday and getting new lockers and the new field schedule and I think coach said something about new game regulations but I was zoned out looking at my nails. "Y/l/n? Helloooo?" Shit "sorry coach... um what?" He chuckled and took off his thin sun glasses "can you be here an hour early on Saturday to help set up?" "Oh yes whatever you need sir" you gave a small smile and ended practice with your team chant and walked to your car. You checked the time, 4:45 ok right on time.

You picked up your siblings from school and got them home. "Alrighty guys I got us chicken noodle soup for dinner!" You heard a chorus of yay's and then the sink going. "oooo washing you hands all by your self sounds like someone wants dessert tonight!" While they ate dinner you made their lunches for tomorrow then put Dominic into the tub. Sarah watched a movie and ate a little mint chip ice cream while you did homework and then switched the kids so that Sarah was in the tub and Dominic was eating his sweet treat. once Sarah was in her unicorn pj's they brushed their teeth together and ran off to pick out a book. You were pulled away from a math problem when you had to deal with the nightly yelling about which book to pick. Per usual Sarah wanted something different than Dominic. Tonight it happened to be "Goldie locks and the three bears" v/s "dinosaurs A-Z" you just did what you do every night and read half of both books. A double check of the doors and windows, a kiss goodbye to your dad, the grabbing of snacks, and you were off. You had a camera in every room of your house that was hooked up to your phone and the roller rink was only 2 blocks away from your apartment. You knew it was a gamble but you needed to put food on the table so it's a risk you took. It was a risk you had to take.

Heyguys i am so sorry it took me so long to get this out. its hard to find the time and i do not have a regular posting scuedule. i will try to get the next one out sooner and make it longer. this one had to be mostly backstory so you could get to know her but i promise there will be human interaction that int with 5 year olds in the next chapter. love you guys

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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